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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Nevertheless there is still such question: and what things which don't possess ability to feel and think, – they exist or not?

The answer seems obvious: if can be touched them, then they are. At the same time, logically, in compliance with which only the living beings have the ability to sense, things must have a substantial difference from the living organisms.

It is possible to solve this problem, having remembered the main ability and function of any consciousness – "to animate" Uniform, more precisely, to form the changing environment for life, expressions and developments of itself in it, forming on the basis of Uniform the identified and coherent fragments of things in the form of copies.

Consequently, all things, as such, in a holographic projection are absent – there are only their information copies in it.

At the same time, as seems, all things exist in infinite Uniform, where from they are "extracted".

However in finished form they aren't present there because in infinite Uniform everything is merged together, separately there things aren't present; means it is impossible to speak about their existence in timeless Uniform – they are there potentially, but they can be manifested only in copies discretely, i.e. in time, and only in the forms determined by consciousness.

Only one the active (consciousness) can "extract" them in the corresponding forms from Uniform, consistently updating by superhigh-frequency discrete copying.

Therefore it is senseless to claim that things in forms known to human consciousness exist outside human consciousness and pass into it exactly in these forms by means of sensations.

It is only possible to approve that the environment, surrounding the person directly doesn't depend on him, but, that, nevertheless it is formed through sense organs of the person arising before him after data processing of sensations by respective centers. Naturally, quality of this Wednesday depends on a set and opportunities of sense organs as well as opportunities of the processing centers of a human organism that makes related it with the ordinary computer which also can't go beyond the programs put in it and other technical capabilities. But, if the computer grasped self, it would claim that all that processed and given out by it, is the objective reality given to it by its sensors. Though, of course, behind this product certain technologies stand and no more.

And behind the person single consciousness stands.

Copying of things at each updating of a holographic projection of Uniform is carried out sequentially on the basis of what is available, but with high frequency. Therefore changes of copies of things with each update are minor and tied to the preceding forms. As a result, the high frequency update is reflected in each individual consciousness not chaotic, but orderly processes of change and motion in beingness with observance of the principle of causality.

All things "are dissolved" in Uniform, they become the actual only in the form of the copies of the holographic projection which are updated every "moment".

In other words, things, as such, aren't present around, them don't exist, more precisely, they are presented the material information copies which are manifested by consciousness, and in such forms, order and connectivity, that each individual consciousness in any living being among them can sense, and self-conscious living being in addition can comprehend in accordance with its intellectual capacities; this phenomenon proceeds thanks to loss of a pause between updates of copies of things for each individual consciousness in the carrier, that automatically "transfers" any living being to the world with objects moving in space and time, known to us.

Thereby not environment creates the conscious beings, but single consciousness through sense organs of carriers of all individual consciousnesses forms quite material frequency (holographic) projection on the basis of Uniform, being "transformed" on the level of the individual consciousness, which from its part temporarily is "cut off" from single consciousness, to beingness with moving objects, i.e. beingness in general is manifested by single consciousness in own multiple form; "now" of every individual consciousness is manifested by it through own sense organs with hidden help of single consciousness.

All carriers (components of bodies) of consciousness are also thingness copies, gaining quality of the living being at the time of the birth, and losing it at the moment of death, inasmuch this property the lifeless receives from particles of active (consciousness).

However and self particles of consciousness are the copies of the active from Uniform in holographic projection because exactly in similar formation single consciousness can exist in plurality and along with that in unity and eternity, manifesting and acting on the basis of Uniform in the finite infinitely.

Summarizing, it should be noted that, as the separate and the independent, things don't exist, being manifested in a certain form only through consciousness. They are manifested by single-multiple consciousness originally in the form of wave high-frequency formations of a holographic projection, – being some kind of prototype of material things known to us, – and then are formed in concrete things in each individual consciousness.

Naturally, the objection can follow: all material both without person and without other living beings existed billions of years in the Universe, for example at the initial stage of its development.

The answer will be such.

Things exist only in "now" of living beings that doesn't cancel their development anyway. This fact is also reflected in the history, i.e. in that process when there is a recall about previous things then they thereby fall into “now" of the remembering consciousness.

Multiple-single consciousness infinitely itself and it updates a holographic projection infinitely, but discretely, forming beingness through own particles in the form, for example, of Universes at different stages of their development.

In this process in a holographic projection of Uniform there is no time in our understanding of the ticking clock, inasmuch time forms only as a product of discrete updating of wave educations with various set of frequencies in the form of duration of updating and duration of a pause between updates.

Only loss of a pause in individual consciousness of the living being forms time in representation, in particular, of the person, flowing from the future in the last – though there is only one the present ("now"), and in this short, but eternally updated "now" in individual consciousness are being linked the updated wavy structures into the spatial moving world of things known to us which without living beings, i.e. without beings with consciousness can't be manifested in any case, inasmuch the world without them – simply non-existence.

As for the person, after his death the thingness beingness doesn't disappear anywhere so how consciousness does not disappear anywhere; consciousness becomes as other living being, participating in formation of time still.

1.7. The course of development of mankind in collisions the true and the false in the conditions of compression of time

Primary information, received automatically by the person owing to work of the processes which aren't comprehended by him, characteristic for all living beings and which are the result of contact of any individual consciousness with single consciousness [16, chapter IV], in case its further transfer is inevitably distorted by a number of reasons, in particular, by the natural reason – the person is not the computer, he confuses something, incorrectly understands, can't learn, changes something, rearranges accents, so how intelligence, more precisely, individual consciousness learning the world with "a blank sheet" in order not to get under influence of the antecedents, starts "making the way" at once with the participation of individual consciousnesses similar to itself from the manifested to essences generally by method trials and errors, until it would accumulate enough experience, won't attract logic, all other types of abstract thinking, knowledge of a number of regularities, etc.

Feelings can also deceive the person, for example, introducing the additional emotional coloring, which slurs all picture. Besides, the person can change contents of these message consciously, for example, in own interests, as he understands them, or he can insist in opinion by force of habit whereas changed conditions alter former truth which seemed unshakable.

The person can also not understand much, at least, at first; he can recognize mirages for reality, and reality – for mirages; in his perception, as a rule, far-fetched, inadequate mixes up with actual, and every hour he has to make decisions on this shaky base making thereby inevitably mistakes. These mistakes cannot always be corrected during one life that in itself assumes for each individual consciousness continuation of life cycle discretely.

As a result, initial and quite adequate by the nature of the means applied by the person, that is sense organs, the processing centers, information giving "now" can be distorted to unrecognizability, to the extent that initial information gets opposite sense.

The fact that copying by any consciousness of fragments, available to it, from Uniform by means of sense organs is really adequate, is confirmed not only that consciousness itself reproduces reality as it is capable, but coherently as base for own life, as well as the fact that all other living beings, besides the person which have no imagination, verbal communication, opportunity consciously to collect databases, isn't present thinking and other human advantages, these beings not only adequately exist on the basis of environment, formed by own sense organs by means of single consciousness, but also are more adapted for environment, more correspond to it and they are in this regard more perfect, than the person who though thinks and prognosticates, but often incorrectly estimates the surrounding, ruining both himself, and environment.

When emergence of surplus information in the course of the accelerated development of the planet civilization the distortions become so fundamental (information collapse), that the complex system of the civilization loses controllability, and all numerous human community collapses automatically. [16, chapter V]

The idea that truth can be a product of the agreement (Poincare), is inadequate, inasmuch coincidence of opinions not always means obtaining the correct decision, and ultimately often leads to wrong estimates, false values and even to catastrophic results, i.e. issuing the false for the true consciously or not, for example, for the sake of justice, the truth, the general wellbeing, the triumph of these or those scientific schools, etc., is at best stagnation and degradation, and in the worst – death, to what there are innumerable examples from history.

Only the rapprochement with essence of a subject at this or that level, which allow to solve, at least, satisfactorily the problem and move forward, can be as truth in human community. Absence of understanding of this problem, statement of type: everyone has their own truth, it is always possible to agree, coincidence of opinions is the sign of truth, etc., significantly was slowing the development of society and even threw it back as and the development of science.

As for some examples of emergence of the false, then, in particular, it seems obvious that life of each person is finite; but after all we don't know, what stands behind a coffin? Maybe there begins a new life for consciousness, the former earlier in person? Consequently, it is possible to call in question, as it seems indisputable fact about an extremity of life of human consciousness, i.e. this fact is false in other context, so how life of consciousness can proceed by discrete order in finite beings infinitely.

This simple example shows inexhaustibility of the problem of finding truth, if to be distracted from the fact, lying on a surface – life inevitably comes to an end with death.

It is clear that at the level of our reality can't be a final answer, but the truth of the allegation about the finiteness for human consciousness nevertheless it is possible to call in question. It, in particular, is peculiar to religious consciousness.

The realities of life of human communities may be far removed from essence and even to dim of essence. Especially as the human consciousness isn't inclined to come off from the surrounding which it estimates from a position of already processed and supplemented by him with initial information, means, to some extent, distorted information, though the world round each person is the true, inasmuch his consciousness forms the surrounding only according to the opportunities and means which are available for him.

Other worlds, more precisely, measurements, are inaccessible to people, therefore really they can only try to get into essence of the phenomena of this world surrounding them, using the opened regularities for knowing the surrounding, for improvement of own life. But to break out for frameworks of the three-dimensional world surrounding each person as neither penetrate into its depth, the person isn't capable, but it isn't necessary for his consciousness because the human consciousness is situated in the world formed "with own hand", in own "now", that so far only and is necessary for him at this stage of development of his consciousness.

The consciousness in the person needs the solution of tasks which arise within this three-dimensional world. The solution of these tasks is quite enough for development of consciousness in the civilizations created by people and period of existence of civilizations is determined by a factor of condensation of time, which is condensed exponential as a result of development of human community according to the growing volume of information received by community. Time as it was shown above and in work [21, ch. II-III], there is nothing like an information product.

Running of events with development of a civilization is accelerated, or the present time of every person, as well as all community, is condensed with increase in the information streams consumed by them that is an inevitable consequence of the conscious activity of the person which captures all large spaces.

Exponential acceleration of time or continuous growth of the information streams passing through consciousness of the person leads ultimately to impossibility of functioning of a civilization in its former form, inasmuch the person as the system, managing everything, is no longer able to "digest" these flows, to cope with them. And escalating power of the linked computer systems turns out not the assistant to the person more but threat for him. Information collapse in the form of exit a manage system from the sphere of direct and adequate control by the person stops the functioning of a civilization.

That occurs further can only be assumed, but the civilization, as well as any difficult system, finally, breaks up with emergence on its place something new; or after a certain pause under suitable natural conditions on a former place arises the civilization similar former and starts developing, forming already own accelerated time. [16, chapter V]

This fact is very regrettable for ordinary consciousness at least because our usual life in relatively comfortable civilization comes to an end, and this fact is the true in this situation because the development of human community in the form of limited system of a civilization isn't infinite.

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