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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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And no vibrating devices will replace organs of hearing for the deaf although neighboring living beings of another species can perfectly hear. I.e. the whole world of sounds drops out for the deaf, if only in process of development a type of deaf beings on the need for hundreds of thousands years or millions of years itself won't develop auditory organs. But only the living being, or a being with consciousness, but not any lifeless thing can acquire these bodies.

This fact once again demonstrates the individuality of "now" for the living being, which it itself forms in spite of the fact that around it can be a great many things and phenomena; they can be available to his neighbors in the wood or the ocean, but are inaccessible to it and therefore they don't exist for it. Although people without much thought believe that the perception of reality by other beings is similar to their own perception.

The assertion that consciousness In the process of perception of reality by living beings is secondary, and that the true reason of emergence of consciousness, together with his perception of the world is a natural process of evolutionary change, is inadequate, inasmuch exception of consciousness from the prime cause of the changing picture of reality arising in the living being, at once deadens these changes which in itself, that is without living beings, aren't necessary (yes and changes are absent, so how things do not exist in the absence of consciousness) and anything with themselves don't bear ,the more that any change of things does not give the living beings.

Independent move of life, i.e. change of things by itself, doesn't exist – there is only an interaction of active (consciousness) and passive (things), creating life and development not for things (the lifeless), but for the live – consciousness.

In this regard consciousness has extremely a broad spectrum of activity, caused by development of the living beings in beingness. But it isn't necessary to think that each individual consciousness dominates completely here. It forms the environment automatically (in fact, through single consciousness) in order that in struggle with the surrounding to develop in the same environment. As a result, there are new kinds of living beings disappear earlier species, until finally, not appeared being, quality of the organism which is the most relevant to its combination to self-consciousness. This combination represents the person.

The person is separated from other living beings at all not by that he has some essential differences in a set or quality of sense organs from primacies, but that he is capable, representing himself and own opportunities, to expand range any more not of sensations, but – of representations about the environment, receiving with use of the second alarm system and by means of devices certain data about microcosm, various types of radiations, public life, cultural values etc.

This information channel, of course, too is limited, but any more not as a set of sense organs, but by opportunities of the centers of the person processing information which can't be "shifted" completely to computer networks, inasmuch the computer – only improvised mean for the person. The shift from natural information to artificial intelligence quickly destroys the human consciousness, which is deprived of dictation of the computer of own liberty of action, receiving almost everything in finished form, i.e. instead of development the person receives degradation – and quite fast. This factor is one of components of the information collapse leading of a planetary civilization to decomposition.

Current time proceeds from each living being because it forms time, but it forms time without knowing this process, only to appear in time. Therefore the person is sure, and it is absolutely fair that he is in time, though this time, or "now" of the person is formed by him automatically, more precisely, with the participation of single consciousness, but time does not come from the side, for example, as a result of the movement of planets, stars, galaxies, atoms, electrons, photons etc.

So without the living beings representing in beingness the active (consciousness) merged with the passive (things), there is neither time nor reality, and can't be a holographic projection, and even Creation as a whole; at this, a holographic projection of Uniform is a temporal component of Creation – without it the eternal Uniform would be remained as lost in infinity outside of changes, i.e. – in nothingness, and Uniform couldn't, being anything, to become by everything.

Nevertheless, it isn't necessary to confuse "now" of every living being with beingness in general. Beingness is formed by single consciousness, i.e. by a set of all active particles of a holographic projection, forming "external" time and thereby spreading and localizing those conditions which are necessary for stay and development in it this or that type of living beings.

So far as time doesn't exist without single consciousness, in so far as single consciousness has no to hurry somewhere, and process of coexistence of the active (consciousness) and the passive (things) lasts infinitely, but discretely in a projection of Uniform, i.e. on basis of Uniform, acquiring motion and development in beingness, derivative from a holographic projection.

Lifeless (things) does not have the time – lifeless in the form of copies is "extracted" from Uniform by the live. Each living being, on the one hand, is consciousness, combined with the components of the things, and on the other hand, the living beings are surrounded by "things" which are "extracted" in reality by them, receiving "scope" for activity, growth and development in things which are finite on form of existence in time.

The living being, for example, in the form of the person, produces itself, a crop, books, ideas, candies, rockets, nonsenses and other material in time. This phenomenon of identification and change of a form of things through the live in time makes the main nature of beingness, own time of each individual consciousness which besides through things has opportunity to communicate with this or that the live.

However own time of any living being has to "fit" into a framework of a certain external, general time to have as if large shared "house". The basis of this process is that each individual consciousness is not only a particle of single consciousness, not only the personality, but it itself, as a part of the hologram – a holographic projection, is single consciousness.

Therefore living beings already in all aggregate form smoothly current external time which main characteristic is regularity: galaxies rotate round its pivot-center, planets revolve round own star, without forgetting to rotate round its pivot-center, electrons have the heavy-nucleus of atom as the center of rotation, seasons change periodically etc. All this repeats, remaining as if invariable in the eyes of the detached onlooker. The living beings can act one way or another in these repeating conditions which is enough convenient for evolution and "production" already something own, original.

In this regard it is possible to give the following analogy – it is quite close to interaction of single consciousness and individual consciousnesses: the person consists of a set of cells which are functioning in him, not knowing about his existence, as well as not knowing that the person undertakes in this moment.

The subsequent cells replace dying off cells rather quickly, allowing an organism to function fully. Relatively long human life in a certain degree is provided with short life of each of its cells. Time of life of a cell is its "now"; the human life time covering the periods of life of all replacing cells of its organism is as if their external time which directly doesn't depend on their "now", but, nevertheless, as a result is determined by quality of cells, indicator of this quality is duration of their life. It means that "now" of all cells of an organism in the aggregate forms also time of life of a human body, determining its duration.

The person also has weak concept about difficult autonomous process of functioning of cells of own organism, but, overall, everything is interconnected and works organically.

However this analogy has significantly difference – infinite single consciousness as a hologram and each individual consciousness in the person as part of a hologram coincide. Therefore the individual consciousness is eternal as and single consciousness.

Beingness differs for each species of living beings, for example, for a bacterium and a whale, as heaven from earth. As for the person who is aware of himself in the world, he as if completes in his imagination appearing to him into a picture which is comprehensible for him, unlike other living beings which only live in the perceived.

Thus, self-consciousness of each person allows it to change the world, penetrating consciously into the appearing by various ways, in cooperation with other people.

Kant assumed that time doesn't exist in itself. Along with that he, as a consequence, absolutely adequately put time in front of motion, i.e. he recognized motion as impossible without its basis – time: “Time is not something which subsists of itself, or which inheres in things as an objective determination, and therefore remains, when abstraction is made of the subjective conditions of the intuition of things. For in the former case, it would be something real, yet without presenting to any power of perception any real object. In latter case, as an order or determination inherent in things themselves, it could not be antecedent to things, as their condition… Time is the formal condition a priori of all phenomena whatsoever… If we abstract our internal intuition of ourselves and all external intuitions, possible only by virtue of this internal intuition and presented to us by our faculty of representation, and consequently take objects as they are in themselves, then time is nothing. It is only of objective validity in regard to phenomena, because these are things which we regard as objects of our senses…” [25; 1.1., §7]; “Time is nothing but the form of our internal intuition. If we take away from it the special condition of our sensibility, the conception of time also vanishes, and it inheres not in the objects themselves, but solely in the subject (or mind) which intuits them…” [25; 1.1., §8]; “… the conception of change, and with it the conception of motion, as change of place, is possible only through and in the representation of time… our conception of time explains the possibility of so much synthetical knowledge a priori, as is exhibited in the general doctrine of motion…” [25; 1.1., §6].

The model of Creation presented by us explains the fact of existence of time as informational "product" of activity of consciousness in a holographic projection of Uniform at interaction of a projection and Uniform, that provides existence of this dual system, giving the opportunity to the infinite to express itself by means of the finite discretely; it also explains the fact of the appearance of motion after time in worlds, derived from a holographic projection due to the loss of a pause in the passage of discrete packets of information from the sensory organs to the centers, processing information; loss of a pause for individual consciousness in the living being is explained by duration of information processing which is significantly more than duration of a pause between the impulses bearing information (threshold of perception).

Single consciousness in own set is capable to form for groups of own individual consciousnesses the conditions of various existence in the form of the measurements differing from each other according to frequency characteristics of the copies making them.

Loss of pauses between positions of update of copies for each individual consciousness is equivalent to absence of sensation of constant alternation of copies of things, including own body that means for individual consciousness in the living being "the entry" into the moving world with the laws both in physical and chemical, as well as other spheres of the corresponding measurement. Actually, we observe all this in the three-dimensional measurement known to us.

Thus, lack of the real motion in the holographic projection formed by single consciousness with formation of time "converted" in various measurements of beingness into motion for all individual consciousnesses in the form of the living beings representing each of these measurements which they form and fix through sense organs and operating centers of own organism.

Exactly this fact of participation of each individual consciousness through own sense organs and the operating centers in formation of surrounding "reality" allows each living being to join into the world, which is being formed around, to become its acting personage, unlike the viewer in a cinema hall.

However under this layer of reality which is in the motion the true layer of the motionless but replaced copies of things are hidden.

So, the motionless formations becomes by moving objects without propulsor and the question of the prime propulsor, be it God or the self-motion of matter, disappears by itself.

Really, people are the live proof of existence of the Creation, irrespective of the fact how it was formed or that it exists eternally.

However, the question arises: if we admit existence of a holographic projection of infinite and motionless Uniform, the product of which is beingness; from where undertakes and where there is this projection? After all still there is not space where it could settle down?

As we already specified, eternal and motionless Uniform by itself there is nothingness. But nevertheless it is somehow manifested without any outside force, a place for which there really is not. At this, the manifested, if it is "taken" from Uniform, i.e. is its projection, also should be as nothingness.

Moreover, as and Uniform, its projection should be motionless, since it has not the propulsor.

The mystery of the existence of Creation seems to be unsolvable.

But it is not.

Look at yourself. You are and thing and a conscious, active being (the live).

It means that each living being unites in itself the active and the passive.

Means, non-existence for Creation isn't present, because the active manifests itself as a projection outside space separately and attracts to itself the passive, without being thereby in uniform unity with the passive, characteristic for Uniform. How does the active make it?

Uniform by itself is nothingness, or zero, but the active on that and the active, in order to not forgetting the passive, to project itself into the hologram in the form of wave formations which are in an antiphase, i.e. remaining thereby equal to zero. Nothing prevents the active to manifest itself also sequentially, updating the previous hologram by its full replacement through some pause with high frequency, i.e. discretely.

Each updated hologram is motionless and represents by itself the "expanded" zero which through the pause, representing "pure" zero, is replaced by zero with another "extension".

This manifestation of infinity is discrete in the finite form with ultrahigh frequency doesn't demand neither space, nor the motion, inasmuch arises nothing, except "gaps" in infinity which can be considered as prototype of time.

Infinite, motionless and eternal Uniform, thus, is the doubled system – Creation – thanks to the active in Uniform and its projection which also remains same infinite, motionless and eternal, but already "broken off" by the finite, sequentially updated formations which separately are already temporary and on condition of linking them in itself the active receives beingness and life where it can realize itself in real actions, turning thereby Uniform through its projection out of nothingness into everything.

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