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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Thus, on the one hand, it is the true that the human civilization is finite and it has to disappear, on the other hand, it is the true that a civilization, time having arisen, can arise again under suitable conditions, and so can proceed indefinitely.

It is the true and that this process of emergence and disintegration of civilizations of reasonable beings must have a binding thread. And this thread must connect everything reasonable beings in their various manifestations both in the world known to us, and in other measurements, inasmuch spontaneously consciousness and all living beings can't arise at all.

So, it is the true that the mind, more precisely, consciousness is the leading echelon of Creation in general, and consciousness in traditional understanding of time as and Creation as well as its derivative – beingness, is eternal. The truth of this assertion is fundamental, so how it is known, that the probability of self-assembly of such most difficult formation as genome, without which there is no all live, is equal to zero in three-dimensional measurement. And time so – a genome is "messenger" of eternal consciousness, which, existing infinitely, is manifested and lives locally and discretely in time which is formed by it via carriers of consciousness in a projection of Uniform.

Besides, it should be noted that the slightest change of the main world constants does impossible existence of Universe, known to us, as the steady formation. The same applies to the main physical and chemical parameters of terrestrial life, change which leads to the impossibility of organic life on Earth.

Attempts to explain these phenomena as from scientists (chance), and theologians (external reasonable force) don't maintain criticism as it was shown by us above.

It is in addition possible to tell only that the infinity in the person of Uniform doesn't need any chances or external forces.

Uniform comprises everything. And it everything – is potentially the active and the passive which are realized in a holographic projection of Uniform in time; a holographic projection is formed by the active through information "bridge" between Uniform and the active in a projection and Uniform, updating wavy structure of a projection, containing frequency copies of objects from Uniform.

In turn the multiple and single active (consciousness) converts by way, stated above by us, the discrete updated structures of a holographic projection in a continuum, known to us, with space, current time, moving objects.

Life in its most various manifestations is possible only in the finite, in local temporary lacunas; life is that imperfect, being, in which consciousness can grow and develop, overcoming different intrinsic thresholds, or relative truths of beingness, striving to perfection through passing of uncountable lives in the incalculable worlds, but, never reaching perfection, and therefore never stopping.

Consciousness, but not the person, more precisely, – consciousness through the subject of actions – of the person – through his sensations "extracts" first out of boundless Uniform the true world, i.e. the world which is adequate to the existence and development of both the person and his individual consciousness, and then through the same person is undergoing a series of misconceptions and discoveries not only in order to gain multi-knowledge, but, first of all, to determine itself in living collisions where it can not only adapt to the environment, but also, thanks to a certain detachment from beingness, or to self-consciousness, it is able to act freely, striving to beingness, pulling away from it and connecting with beingness again.

Therefore the truth or falsity of all passing, every individual consciousness defines only through itself and on itself through trials – in temptations and thorns, trying to find their own code of honor. So, it isn't necessary to look for criterion of truth or self truth in any external, whether it be God, destiny, case; each person has a consciousness, it directs him, it also creates him, as well as all around, it develops together with the person, and it is necessary to address to own consciousness because above it there is nothing; the more it is known that consciousness is manifested in conscience.

Thus, one of the few fundamental truths, at least, in our world consists in ability of acceptance of decisions by a being with self-consciousness, even if these decisions are erroneous, but which are formulated by them, and implementing appropriate actions by relying on beingness, manifested by them in the course of binding consciousness and Uniform information process of identification by the first of the second and the subsequent recognition by consciousness of itself.

Any absolute truth, having understood which, it is possible to stop and congeal in own perfection, doesn't exist, inasmuch the only sense of actions of consciousness in Creation consists in infinite realization and cognition of itself every time in the finite; in the passage of infinitely varied in its manifestations collisions, in approaching every time through series of delusions to essences of the manifested in a chain of events, i.e. in shift from one level of understanding the real to another in various measurements.

It is necessary to note at the same time that any person is faced with contradictions in determining the true and false. But it must be so, because the path to truth, or rather, from the phenomenon to the essence is difficult and comprehension of truth at any level happens during many lives, through a number of mistakes, delusions.

Without this it is impossible the development of consciousness and finding by it more liberty and more opportunities for realizing their own aspirations in trying to solve the problem of own dissatisfaction, to take on any challenges, to express itself so, how consciousness wishes [23, сhapter I]/

Science in the delimitation of the true and false is not omnipotent, firstly – because the area of its activity is limited to experimental test of facts and phenomena found by it, that is not always possible; secondly, science itself in its development rejects with time what it has recognized for true and recognizes as true already another: some laws are replaced by others, one understanding of objects and phenomena changes on other.

Although, of course, role of banal, more precisely, everyday truths, found by the person during life is great, and they gives him some help to adapt to it, but weakly contributes to the development of consciousness.

Moreover, the animal nature of the person inclined to conformism, egoism, falsity, flashes of rage and mistrust, to various vicious bents, etc., is a natural and main subject for continuous struggle of consciousness against it. In fact, all human life consists of this fight, but only in it the human consciousness can become stronger, having understood the meaning of true pleasure, pain, dreams, aspirations, and preparing itself thereby for life in new conditions, in new "now".

As we stated above, the human consciousness is unilaterally separated from single consciousness that is obligatory for its individual development, without the aid of something and someone.

But, nevertheless the consciousness in the living being – the human child – will never be manifested without support of parents, relatives, etc. Lack of such communication leaves the child at the level of the living beings without self-consciousness, or the beings, who can only adapt to the surrounding.

By means of various forms of communication a child quickly enough realizes himself as the personality, finding ability to influence on surrounding, proceeding from own inquiries, aspirations to changes round himself and in himself.

At the heart of this process of awareness of self during communication, i.e. – aspiration to association with other people, to their understanding, the aspiration to joint actions not only for obtaining direct benefit, but also to actions for achievement of common goals, laid down fundamental property of consciousness – to be not only as individuality, but also to be as united consciousness.

Therefore in beingness, by analogy with a holographic projection, all living beings are anyway are grouped, and the self-conscious part of living beings aspires in the communications not only to awaken self-consciousness in own heirs, but also in own association tries to overcome own animal nature wishing only the property (thingness) and seeking to survive in any ways. People create a civilization, culture, developing consciousness in many generations, but they yet aren't capable "to exterminate" own animal basis and, as a result, can't build society in which there would not be envy and disunity.

So that the true sense of existence of the person and mankind consists in development of consciousness, but not in acquisition of benefits, not in development of technologies, sciences, not in strengthening of this or that social order, not in creation of the "fair" order determined by someone. All it – chimeras, but development consists in that to determine itself among chimeras adequately, not to give in on promises and enticements.

Truth "changes clothes" depending on opportunities of individual consciousness which through the person with the hidden help of single consciousness forms own time, and hence own world from fragments of the passive determined by single consciousness and corresponding to individual consciousness, i.e. only that "respond to" its sense organs in Uniform, as well as only that are on forces to individual consciousness in the person, and already in this found own world looks for that to him helps to live, become better in front of itself, believing it is the true, and tries to avoid that to it prevents to live and be improved, that is – the false.

Of course, in practice everything is much more complicated, but the principle of existence of the person in the world consists in aspiration to delimitation of the true and the false. Otherwise, no reasonable development happens, there comes stagnation or chaos.

The same principle of separating the true and the false leads to the possibility of free development of human consciousness, which is able, if it will want, to separate truth from falsehood, even though the latter are often favorable from a mercantile position.

The consciousness of the person, who seeks to use consciously the false, for example, self-interest for the sake, is slowed down in the development and in a certain degree is destroyed, inasmuch loses touch with harmony of beingness which is manifested by him, evading from correct ratios of the real.

Such deeds are usually qualified as evil. Though actually it is only temporary delusion of consciousness – egoism which expresses the predominance of private interests over the interests of neighbors; consciousness eventually realizes superficiality of the aspirations based generally on corporal weaknesses and temptations and consciousness is learning on painful mistakes to choose that more beseems the reason, spirit, but not a body.

All this is burdensome, difficult, protractedly and demands not one life. However without passing through the struggle of corporal and spiritual there can't be a development of consciousness, cannot be the achievement of greater liberty for it, or – more complete separation of consciousness from the shackles of flesh.

Everything, that exists, i.e. that is manifested in consciousness originally, is the true, inasmuch consciousness is capable "to allocate" and decipher exactly it from boundless Uniform, or to transfer into information, forming thereby own time and creating thanks to it conditions and space for events, that is own life.

The world, formed by individual consciousnesses, at all not a merit and ability only of individual consciousness; on the contrary, everything, automatically appearing around and within of the person, is made only thanks to communication of each individual consciousness with single consciousness which promotes to the selection by individual consciousness from Uniform only that, in what the individual consciousness at own level and in the carrier can live and develop in direct contact with other people. This explains the fact that Christ put on the first place love and condemned selfishness.

However the person often can't estimate adequately information, received by him every moment, especially since it stacks with earlier information taken by the person from memory therein which could undergo to distortion. And this addition not always is suitable for the current life. There are mistakes, and the same facts are interpreted differently.

The choice for various reasons isn't always carried out with advantage for business. But the current practice allows understanding and correcting errors, if not to persist in them. In this struggle, in fact, with himself the person is determined in life, then moving away from understanding of essence of the copies of fragments coming to him from Uniform, then coming nearer to essence, but, in the sum, moving ahead everything is farther in understanding of reality and, the main thing, in understanding of himself, more precisely, in understanding of itself by each individual consciousness.

In other words, the deviation from true value of the adequate copies of objects of beingness which come into consciousness originally or the manifested, is gradual process of moving of consciousness from a surface in depth, from the manifested to essences. And this process is very slow, so how the consciousness of the person often prefers to choose understanding of these or those facts, convenient at present for him, and transfers this distorted information to other people, even less prepared to unraveling the true state of affairs.

In particular, even now more than 60% the population of Earth consider, that the sun rotates round Earth, observing this every day.

Similar delusion is quite objectively, inasmuch a true state of affairs, the true essence is revealed gradually, as required and readiness of consciousness. This process is similar to clarification of sense of difficult mathematical formulas in the course of study.

On the other hand, the truth of these or those factors of life is determined by specific conditions of existence of the person, which eventually leads him to an understanding of the true state of affairs.

For example, the person of the Middle Ages, mostly tied to their place of residence, has considered that Earth is flat, but this situation didn't prevent him to live exactly because for him was important only that was situated before his eyes, and this not too extensive part of a terrestrial surface has practically no curvature. But as soon as people rushed in strange lands, sea voyages visually showed them curvature of a surface of Earth, they changed the views. Here, apparently, one indisputable truth was changed another.

1.8. Inescapability of imperfection of the person and human communities as propulsor of development of consciousness

As for human relations, information distortions reach here the maximum values inasmuch, as a rule, these relations are under construction on deception of some by others, or, at best, on a obfuscation of a true state of affairs.

And this state of affairs consists in a chronic lack of earthly goods for most of people not because these goods are not in abundance, and in the inordinate appetite of every person, which animal nature insistently demands best share exactly for itself, even to the detriment to others.

This share under various pretexts is taken the most active, successful, or advanced members of communities, which, moreover, cooperate with each other. And they, as practice of the past has shown, never were shared at own "good will" with the others though, as well as now, they were trying in some way to justify the robbery of all the others, humiliating actually them, for example the fact that if not I another will capture [24, сhapter II]/

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