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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Absolute truth in the process of knowing cannot be exactly owing to infinite development of consciousness in boundless beingness – the number of levels and measurements of beingness can pass infinitely; itself a multiple and along with that single consciousness as and each its particle, thus gain not only development, but also the opportunity one way or another to express itself, and also receive full-blooded, though every time the finite life; but the number of these lives – infinitely. It should be noted at this, that consciousness in Uniform remains as the eternal and infinite what so and should be in the timeless.

Essence of the manifested things in the form of their copies cognizes or unravels each individual consciousness, allocating each of them, at cumulative interaction of communities of individuals and the manifested things, by means of own and general human qualities: experience, imagination, comparisons, thinking, memory, experimental and scientific researches, various practical actions etc.

This, actually, is the search of truth, more precisely, penetration into essence of the phenomena at the different levels, or process of knowing.

Besides, essence of any phenomenon can't be given at once not only because there will be nothing to look for, but also because each thing depending on conditions can show different intrinsic thresholds.

Continuous existence only "now" in the specified process in the form of passing of series of irreversible positions (moments) by it, doesn't mean lack of changes in consciousness, inasmuch every moment "now" has duration, during which out of memory as from databases of computer, can be queried and received this or that information that is added to the newly arriving, that allows to project the further course of events with a certain knowledge of business. It too happens in the present, but not in the future.

Confusion in these concepts is the result of representation of the present moment as the ephemeral border between the past and the future, whereas "now" is a certain duration during which there is a receiving and processing not only information from sources that surrounds consciousness on all sides, but also the corresponding parts of already saved up information which are available to consciousness at present. This process goes consistently – from one moment to the following – without stopping for human consciousness, which has no time to allocate a pause between moments. It is probable, therefore people in own representation divide the time for the past, the present and the future.

It is possible here to note that existing always in a duration the only "now" of any living being opens eternity into life. I.e. by means of the only "now" the eternity in the person of single consciousness and sees the changing world, and acts in it, because "always" continuing "now" along with that bears in itself all changes of the real.

However active (consciousness) can't "transfer" eternity into existence smoothly directly. Eternal, infinite – uniformly and motionlessly, there is no time, no events in it. "Transformation" of eternity to events, to time requires the special mechanism, which leaves consciousness and things as the uniform, eternal (infinite) in the depth, but, along with that "produces" the reality on the basis of Uniform with all changes.

This mechanism consists in faltering formation by consciousness of a holographic projection of Uniform. It leaves things and consciousness, or respectively the passive and the active in their depth as the motionless and infinite, but the copies, identified and read out by consciousness of fragments from Uniform, making a holographic projection, are perceived by each individual consciousness as moving and changing. This is due to the inertia of the processing of individual packets of information in every living being; it thereby creates the illusion of movement of things.

The pause and other operations of sense organs and control centers, occupying milliseconds, aren't perceived by consciousness of each living being separately, for whom time as if passes from the future into the past via the ephemeral present.

Whatever it was, but, with formation by consciousness of time by the specified information process of copying with consecutive updating of copies, in consciousness of each living being appears the world with space, things, in events of this world each consciousness in own carriers can live and change itself.

Thus, information does not appear from the past and from the future, which in reality aren't present, as is noticed yet till Hobbes Augustine [21, chapter 3], but formed on the basis of sensations by the separate portions, coming for processing to the relevant centers of the carrier of consciousness. From here duration of each position of update happens that in its sequence makes so-called "time".

The similar sustainable information "bridge", connecting single consciousness in a temporary projection with the passive, provided by timeless Uniform, creates a basis for their interaction: the result is the steady system of manifestation eternal in time, in changes, in life and development.

For the person every information package passes every "moment" to neurons of brain from different human organs of senses in the form of sequences of nervous impulses; in each of impulses the relevant information is concluded. Speed of distribution of nervous impulses fluctuates in the range from 1m/sec. to 120m/sec. Frequency and nature of sequence of the impulses bearing, in particular, visual information depend on intensity and spectral structure of light, and the magnitude and duration of a separate impulse don't depend by nature and strength of irritation.

Directly after generation of an impulse the nervous fiber is in, so-called, refractory state, and can't be excited during 1-2 milliseconds again, i.e. the nervous fiber is able to conduct nervous impulses with the frequency not higher than 500 hertz. Duration of the impulse passing on nervous fiber makes part of millisecond in every "moment".

The pause between the nervous impulses containing information means that they don't go continuously. However this pause in every moment is below the threshold of perception of it by consciousness and therefore consciousness misses it.

In particular, the moving picture for consciousness of the person is provided with interval between consecutively scrolled shots about 0.04 seconds that makes the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, by more than an order of magnitude greater than the pause duration. Therefore the formed discrete consecutive moments (update of "reality" is produced in each of them) own time of the person, concluding in sequence all the pictures and all the events of life for a person merge into a continuous inseparable stream in his consciousness.

Here, in this process arises own time of the person. It is a condition for making changes in the surrounding, in which each person from the moment of birth automatically, and actually with hidden help of single in a set consciousness "selects" through sensations from the various environment only those data which are decoded (information), according to the reached level of development of consciousness.

This condition may be called own time of the person, because in him sequentially are formed by him through his sensations, but with the participation of single consciousness in sequences of moments the changing pictures of the surrounding in which there are events and which he not only contemplates, but also takes a direct part in them, that makes his life. [21, chapters 2, 3]

Exactly the fact of participation of each person and each living being in general through sense organs in the formation of the surrounding "reality" allows every living being to enter into the formed surrounding world, to become by its personage, unlike the viewer in a cinema hall. However, under this layer of reality, which is in the motion, change, the true layer the motionless, but replaced, copies of things are hidden.

So the motionless transfers into motion without propulsor, and a question of the prime propulsor, whether it be God or self-motion of matter, disappears by itself.

1.4. Truth as manifestation of essences of different levels

Thus, the formed by individual human consciousness by means of single consciousness spatial-temporal changing picture of life, or "created" by consciousness on the basis of the passive irreversible and actual "now", is fundamental truth of existing real for us , more precisely, its essence, inasmuch each consciousness in this process is completely adequate to beingness, more precisely, consciousness itself "produces" beingness so, as it is capable, and no more than that, but at the level of the phenomena, not essences of deeper level.

Along with that the representing (the being) is essence of initial degree, in the conditions of which not only the person as a self-conscious being, but also all other living beings can exist: here truth, phenomenon, essence and existence is one.

Hypothetically this truth is fundamental and for beingness in general, inasmuch single consciousness in its multiple holographic expression in the same way has to manifest Uniform by sequential copying and further, finally – at the level of subjects and phenomena in the form of universes, various measurements, or in current time, i.e. in change, motion, formation so, as it is able, moving ahead in these worlds, in particular, through the self-conscious particles from the manifested to essences, from one conceived and used to another, or moving ahead from one level of truth to another.

Boundlessness of Uniform guarantees to consciousness infinity of this live process, that confirms the validity of existence only relative truths in the course of knowing of beingness.

Adequacy of the revealed communications, the relations, regularities, in particular, is confirmed by experience, by expansion of an outlook, allowing to receive results, useful to improvement and decoration of life, changing the quality of life, knowledge of it, of the nature of things; but, with change of conditions of existence, with expansion of knowledge and successes in their practical application are being revealed new truths to replace or supplement of previous truths, and does not manage to get a "single equation" of all things (entities) as absolute truth, except that fundamental truth, that activity of multiple-single consciousness as a result gives all really existing in ordered and changing shapes for each living being.

So that, being formed by consciousness and being connected by it the copies of fragments from Uniform are external manifestation of Uniform to consciousness as the moving and changing beingness, and essence of these copies can't be defined by consciousness in its highest manifestation immediately on deeper levels. Otherwise what consciousness would make in the world, being formed by him.

Heidegger has understood it, having pointed to the following: “We are ourselves the entities to be analysed. The Being of any such entity is in each case mine. These entities, in their Being, comport themselves towards their Being. As entities with such Being, they are delivered over to their own Being” [4, p. 67].

Nevertheless, Heidegger, like most philosophers before him, uses the concept of the person, but the person is only a sign for consciousness as claimed Pierce, who in turn equated the person to the word, believing that "…But the identity of a man consists in the consistency of what he does and thinks, and consistency is the intellectual character of a thing; that is, is its expressing something” [6, p. 211-242]; “… thought is what it is, only by virtue of its addressing a future thought which is in its value as thought identical with it, though more developed. In this way, the existence of thought now, depends on what is to be hereafter; so that it has only a potential existence, dependent on the future thought of the community. [6, p. 211-242]

Pierce here nevertheless doesn't finish speaking, stopping, like Heidegger, on the person, because it is unclear for him what constitutes consciousness.

Therefore it is possible to extend this idea of Pierсe so.

Each living being has consciousness which through own sense organs can recognize things, linking them in copies through itself by means of single consciousness, receiving everything at once: the current time, space in which moves and changes things, itself among these things in the company of similar beings.

So that Pierce absolutely adequately noted as the main property of the person the connectivity in its actions and thoughts, but with that amendment that connectivity is inherent in any living being originally, inasmuch it perceives the surrounding by means of own sense organs, and arriving from them information is processed in the relevant centers of the living being, linking separate, consistently arriving packages of information, and thereby transforming discrete (through a pause) updating of each previous package by the subsequent package into the current "now".

Beingness, which is formed as a result, couldn't happen without single consciousness, uniting and organizing all the reality through own particles, in which, as parts of a hologram, single consciousness is presented, and to which concerns also the person. Exactly single consciousness through own particles connects "things", transferring them to the current time, motion and changes where there is neither future, nor the past. Beingness "produces" exactly conversion in consciousness of the discrete information process into the holistic, smooth and continuous procedure.

All this belongs to single consciousness and its active particles without allocation in them of particles with self-consciousness.

But only presence of self-consciousness gives to particles of single consciousness the ability to designing within the available beingness, that is – the ability to act on conscious change of things in available beingness.

It is in this regard words of Peirce are true: "…"…But the identity of a man consists in the consistency of what he does and thinks, and consistency is the intellectual character of a thing; that is, is its expressing something” [6, p. 211-242]". Only in this context it makes sense to speak concerning the person about the connectivity (consistency), expression of a thing not "something" (Pierce), but human need, that gives to the person "future", in spite of the fact that he always is situated in the sliding present.

Here the person becomes not just by a "sign" expressing according to Pierce's conclusion that “… thought is what it is, only by virtue of its addressing a future thought which is in its value as thought identical with it, though more developed. In this way, the existence of thought now, depends on what is to be hereafter; so that it has only a potential existence, dependent on the future thought of the community [6, p. 211-242], the person becomes more than a sign; his thought continuously turns to the change of him himself with the change by him of objects of beingness. And it is the change of consciousness of the person.

In other words, consciousness through the person receives not only life in beingness, not only the opportunity to express itself, but also own changes.

It turns out that the person is the main tool of consciousness which receives through its sense organs and operational centers the being (the real) in order to further to pass to identification in beingness of essences, where really not to do without thought and where the word, the idea, the experience acquire the value, and where happens a real development of consciousness.

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