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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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As it was stated above, consciousness solves this problem with help of attraction of the mechanism of own information influence on the passive from Uniform, inasmuch consciousness as the active of Uniform is capable to be both sole (united), and multiple in the form of own particles-copies in the twin of Uniform, each of which contains information on all projection, if this multiple projection is sequentially updated holographic picture. Therefore the single consciousness can discretely carry out "the exit" into own holographic projection the copies of objects from Uniform by means of own copies for replacement, more precisely, updating of the previous copies of things. As a result, as derivative of a holographic projection in time, there are the changing worlds, or beingness, but along with that itself, manifested thus, basis, i.e. Uniform, containing and consciousness, remains the same the eternal and motionless.

If to define information as data on the state of material objects which consciousness is capable to identify (recognize) when scanning of the surrounding by the means which are available at its order, then information is the key unit, linking consciousness, which acts in a holographic projection, with Uniform. Thanks to information as the response reaction to the inquiry of consciousness to Uniform, take place the update of the holographic projection and along with that also, being updated, is formed the environment of each individual consciousness.

Actually, each such "transformation" is made by scanning by consciousness by the means, which are available for it (the person has sense organs for this purpose), of own surrounding with obtaining copies only of those objects from Uniform which this consciousness is capable to identify (to recognize) through sensations and "to convert" into images, understandable for each individual expression of itself, through control centers.

By means of this information process occurs the consecutive and discrete manifestation of corresponding to state of consciousness and sense organs which are available for its carrier, things from Uniform in the form of copies, more precisely, this manifestation means updating of the available picture for multiple-single consciousness, and the update of its surrounding, and along with that the manifestation of "now" for each individual consciousness. Thereby is formed time, whereby and also to subsequent loss of the pause between positions of update, for each individual consciousness emerges in motion the changing event-driven world, beingness, in which consciousness in each subject can experience, meditate, feel, perceive, think, act, i.e. to live in own "now".

This process also corresponds to the Hegelian triad: the motionless copies of things, formed by consciousness through their identification (thesis), turns into its opposite – into change due to the "manifestation" of copies of things sequentially in different positions, more precisely, in foreshortenings, which are different from previous (antithesis), the result for each individual consciousness, due to the loss of the pause between neighboring positions of copying, is his present time, which is expressed in motion of things, that constitutes the current reality, the world (synthesis). At this, unlike a movie, scrolled before the audience, every individual consciousness is in the center of events around itself, which through it, and partly by it, "are produced".

For awareness of indissoluble coexistence of infinite Uniform and its temporary holographic projection it is important to represent that this coexistence had no the beginning and won't have the end, inasmuch these opposites retain the dual system in equilibrium state, providing, as the result, its functioning as Creation.

The ability of consciousness to the certain separation with passive, consisting, in its highest expression, in understanding itself and its capabilities, implies connecting with Uniform already on the basis of own considerations and actions.

Ultimately, consciousness decides, what represents the accessible for him in Uniform, "allocating" and linking the corresponding fragments from Uniform by available means in the corresponding information process of their identification (recognition), already having in a holographic projection of the copies which are replaced, more precisely, are updated sequentially. In other words, consciousness manifests, opens Uniform only so as it can in own current state.

Consciousness (the active) doesn't exist independently and can't be manifested outside the world, out of time, inasmuch to this free, dynamic, thinking, solving, communicating, creating as well as developing itself formation without things there is nothing to apply the forces and numerous abilities, there is no place to realize them. At this, consciousness isn't incorporeal so how in this case it cannot have the interaction with things. Therefore consciousness is nothing more than the active, material, lively, thinking and, in some respects, producing echelon of the dual system of Creation.

Outside of consciousness the things and phenomenon as separate, multiple and harmonious aren't capable to exist either as material forms, nor in the form of ideal objects, inasmuch they as if are dissolved in infinite, motionless Uniform from which only consciousness is capable "to extract" them in the form of copies.

It means, in essence, that except consciousness, more precisely, together and inseparably with it there is something passive in Uniform, which only the active (consciousness) can manifest in forms determined by it and can put in order according to own opportunities in a holographic projection of Uniform, providing to itself as a result the opportunity for development and life in the changing world.

If to develop this thought further, then consciousness can have form-building abilities directly, without the beginning, or – from something external, for example God.

An external, omnipotent, ideal, incorporeal, invariable, reasonable, living being as, for example, it was shown in work [20, chapter 4], in relation to Creation isn't capable to exist, more precisely, to be in this totality or outside it on a number of the bases. There is only an infinite, eternal Uniform, which is manifested actually as if in a parallel to itself discretely in the form of a holographic consistently updated projection thanks to own active (consciousness), who yet forms the condition for events in the form of the current time. Without manifestation in the form of similar holographic projection, making thereby dual – timeless and along with that temporary – system, Uniform can't, so how outside of this formation it is non-existence.

Thus, the active (consciousness) and the passive (things) in Uniform are inseparable, and along with that in a certain relation are separated in a holographic projection.

Uniform, as the deep and the eternal, can't but simply be anything other as containing in itself everything. That is all subjects of the world, all phenomena including all individual consciousnesses which, in particular, are manifested in people and, in general, in all living beings, are uniform and timeless whole. But such motionless Uniform can be hardly designated as the real, inasmuch this aught isn't subject to separate existence owing to lack in it of time which can be formed and to be counted only by the active and the intelligent. So this aught can be manifested only in time and only by means of the active – occurs nothing out of time: there is no time, there are no events also.

Therefore Uniform, remaining such, at the same time is manifested in time: consciousness, remaining in the whole Uniform, is situated and in its holographic projection, forming the holographic pictures by means of own multiple copies, which, in the set, as well as separately, "allocate" discretely, that they can identify (distinguish) and copy in the corresponding forms and sequences; it means updating the available every "moment".

Thereby the passive discretely through the active (consciousness) is manifested in plurality, in the change of copies of various objects from Uniform, i.e. for each individual consciousness, eventually, – in time and space at each his life. And it is merit of consciousness: exactly it, but not the passive, not things, forms time, or creates condition for the change of the manifested, for various forms of life, though temporary for each thing and consciousness in it, but full of events, adventures for each consciousness, which passes as the individual consciousnesses of the living beings for own change and development from one multiple reality to another, being born and perishing in the carriers, but eternally remaining in beingness which is manifested by the active for itself.

At this, the active in each particle-copy, unlike the passive (things-copies), keeps all saved up from the finite lives in the memory and thereby spiritualizes Creation in general satisfying itself and it.

It is also necessary to note that within the presented model of the dual system of Creation, at last, receives an explanation the transitory character of everything – a stone, a planet, an universe, a human life.

If in Uniform all – the active and the passive – is merged in infinity, in the projection of Uniform the active is in relatively separate position with the passive, inasmuch it itself forms the copies of things on the basis of Uniform.

Thereby the active in the projection of Uniform has the opportunity to be manifested, being realized infinitely in copies of the things, being formed by it discretely.

The active, in its separation from the passive in the projection of Uniform, has an opportunity "to use" the copies of things, being formed by it, endlessly, owing to that these copies are finite: the finite passive thus "supports" active at infinity, but in a particular form. The active, in its separation from the passive, nevertheless, is connected with it not only because the active forms the passive in the form of copies of things, but also because it is situated in these things, i.e. among them and in them as the support. Therefore the active is forced to "move" from one the finite, which was terminated, to another, and this discontinuous, in fact, process lasts infinitely.

It is possible to note in this relation that the active is realized infinitely in the finite in a projection of Uniform, being formed by the active. Similar process can't do without durations, which are the cornerstone of finite formations that means there is time, i.e. a projection of Uniform, unlike Uniform, is situated in time, and this is equivalent to change of the finite structures.

And if in this context becomes clear that the infinity of the active (consciousness) in a projection of Uniform persists, despite the temporary character of the projection, thanks to "immersion" of the active in the finite discretely, but infinitely, then the finiteness, the "temporariness" of copies of things requires an explanation, in particular, because still there is an opinion about eternal existence of material structures that surround both the common person and the person as a species-being.

This explanation of the finite existence of objects of the world, or copies of things from Uniform, is the frequency character of the holographic projection of Uniform.

The active (consciousness) with ultrahigh frequency identifies (recognizes) and copies things from Uniform, and these copies as information packages "appear and disappear", more precisely, they are updated each impulse in the holographic projection.

Each copy, thus, is the frequency updated structure of this or that type which is "converted" in individual consciousness through sense organs and centers of processing of the arriving information in the carrier of consciousness in the concrete thing. At this, the things, being represented in the set, constitute, in particular, an environment around the person, and their connectivity and motion are caused by specifics of passing of information on the specified channels, owing to what pauses between impulses drop out.

Updating of this sort can't be ideal purely statistically. Therefore during the existence of a thing in its steady quality the number of mistakes or failures accrues, and at achievement of a certain threshold value the concrete thing loses the stability or the quality and ceases to function adequately: the stone disintegrates, universe collapses and human life is terminated. Here the quantitative – number of failures – for a thing turns into quality change of a thing or in its full disintegration – stability of any thing is lost, and it thereby as the special falls out of existence, i.e. can't be as the infinite in this or that quality. This fact in itself confirms the secondary nature of all things of beingness, their derivativeness from consciousness.

Nevertheless, each copy of concrete things, existing finitely in a set form, is material derivative from infinite Uniform. Therefore copies of things in the projection Uniform don't disappear, but change the forms according to understanding of things by consciousness.

And it raises the question.

Each individual consciousness, like the thing (the passive), is a frequency structure, and in this way, as seems, has to be subject to deformation, loss of stability and, therefore, loss of its peculiarity, or quality.

How then it retains in infinite passing through finite formations the individual quality i.e. is the eternal?

Certainly, frequency failures, which change structure of individual consciousness, can't but happen in the updated holographic projection and, as a consequence of all that, in each its coexistence with a body-carrier.

But, if the thing isn't capable to correct consciously the changes happening to it – at it as the passive there is no aspiration anyway to retain its peculiarity, which it is not aware, a thing has only elementary feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration – then any living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible means, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness keeps its main feature – the activeness, or the persistent aspiration to changes in itself and around itself.

Actually, "immersion" of consciousness into the finite, live existence over and over again is also a solution of the problem of preservation itself as the active.

Existence in things and among things, and also close to other consciousnesses in the form of the live, on the one hand, allows consciousness to correct the structure of own kernel on the basis of reactions of the surrounding on own actions not to lose ability to aspirations on preservation of the radical peculiarity – own activeness, and on the other hand, allows to try to use changes which it is capable to feel and/or to be aware anyway with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.

The variety of situations in each finite existence for any individual consciousness means finding of sole individuality in an infinite number of particles of consciousness.

So goes development of living beings and consciousness in them, i.e. the initial frequency disruptions in the structure of the active does not lead him to disaster (the collapse, or loss of the form), since the kernel of the active is restored in the finite making a frequency projection of Uniform by stable as a whole, and each particle of consciousness – capable to participate in the formation of the time and, as a consequence, – in the formation of the real worlds in time.

Thus, the finite is necessary to the infinite not only for functioning of the dual system of Creation as the timeless and along with that as the temporary system, which thereby is retained in equilibrium, but also for stabilization of the active in Creation, making the active by unchanging and eternal in its essence, yet infinitely changeable.

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