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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Uniform in own passive base gives itself to the active (consciousness) out of own projection. Consciousness discretely updates on the basis of infinitely diverse passive of the own holographic projection. In derivative formations of the projection consciousness can manifest itself in the carriers chosen by it. Data on objects which consciousness is capable to identify (recognize) when scanning of Uniform by the means which are available at its order, arrive to it discretely by information packages (every moment) through the senses the carrier of consciousness, and are manifested in each individual consciousness in the form of images, experiences, meanings.

This technically discrete process merges in consciousness into the picture of the environment, which is changed smoothly and continuously in the form of the motion, in which, in particular, the person can act. In this space-time continuum or in the present (own) time of each person

Uniform in the passive basis gives itself to the active (consciousness) out of own projection. Consciousness discretely updates on the basis of infinitely diverse passive the own holographic projection in derivative formations which it can manifest itself in the carriers chosen by it. Data on objects which the consciousness is capable to identify (recognize) when scanning of Uniform by the means which are available at its order, arrive to it discretely by information packages (every moment) through the senses the carrier of consciousness, and are manifested in each individual consciousness in the form of images, experiences, meanings.

This technically discrete process is merged in consciousness into the picture of the environment, which is changed smoothly and continuously in the form of the motion, in which, in particular, the person can act. In this space-time continuum or in the present (own) time of each person happens events in which the many people participate.

Thу process of formation by consciousness every moment of own "now", – the irreversible series of these moments make the life from the birth to death, – means that the person lives only in "now", only in it there are all changes, only in during each separate (technically) concrete moment the human consciousness receives the corresponding package of information, after processing which the following package of information arrives, updating previous, etc.

However the intermittent nature of this process of replacing one fixed copy to another the person does not sense, thereby obtaining a moving picture of fragments of things by "allocated" his own consciousness from Uniform which are perceived by him as things; the person is located in the framework of this picture.

This fact of existence of the only of the present time ("now") intuitively absolutely precisely has understood and Hobbes having formulated: “The present only has a being in nature; things past have a being in the memory only, but things to come have no being at all” [7, p. 16].

Thus, consciousness "is transferring" in determined by it the degree, forms and parts the stiffened, timeless Uniform into the reality, which is changed in front of eyes of the person through the separate, fixed positions, irreversible sequence which, as a result, is represented for human consciousness as motion of things, although at every moment of "now" the fragments, allocated and consistently copied in different foreshortenings by consciousness from Uniform, remain in Uniform, as and self Uniform, by motionless and conjoint as before, however their pictures, or information copies, which are updated every moment, are gaining a certain change in consciousness seeming to us by motion in the sequence, defined by consciousness.

So that consciousness keeps the motionless and deep Uniform as the same stiffened, i.e. in each separate moment of "now" the consciousness doesn't " stir" it, but, "looking through" in series of consecutive positions, or moments recognized objects as if in different foreshortenings, consciousness forms time, in which the manifested objects are altered from moment to moment, as on frames of the moving film that creates illusion of the movement for each individual consciousness in its carrier on condition of the loss of a pause between positions of updating for individual consciousness.

Eternal Uniform is manifested the only here in "now", which the "sliding" forms all worlds and measurements, as well as lives of all individual consciousnesses in time.

In other words, there is no Creation, which changes smoothly in motion. There is only an every moment an updated holographic picture which for the person through his sensations be transformed into the moving world in his consciousness.

Consciousness thereby, without breaking Uniform, its immobility, and, remaining its integral part, the same motionless and conjoint with it, "produces" as the holographic twin infinitely, but discretely various finite worlds and measurements, steady in general. These worlds, proceeding from the objects "dissolved" in Uniform, are manifested in each individual consciousness in the form of copies available locally. Any individual consciousness detects Uniform as it is capable thanks to action of own sense organs and the centers processing information, according to understanding of itself, as well as thanks to opportunities of its own sensory organs and centers that process signals from them by the specified mechanism of updating of holographic copies, which is "controlled" by single consciousness.

The active (consciousness) differs from the passive (things) by self-consciousness in the highest expression that demands a "material" for own activities on finding the new, that and is reflected in existence of infinite number of the finite worlds under guidance of single consciousness in the set; these finite worlds in time, which are manifested by consciousness infinitely, don't allow Uniform "fall through" into non-existence.

Such opening of the hidden, eternal can make only consciousness (the active), providing infinite existence of the passing worlds and lives, i.e. – of all real.

In own highest self-conscious multiple echelon single consciousness is manifested in the environment formed by him through own particles by free aspirations, understanding of itself, own purposes and opportunities.

In consciousness every moment is manifested the updated picture of the chosen, more precisely, identified, read out and copied objects from Uniform by the means, which are available for consciousness.

On the one hand, this picture reflects in copies of fragments the hidden, not manifested Uniform, comprising potentially everything, but not the imagined, ideal, senseless objects; on the other hand, this picture represents form-building opportunities of consciousness, who not everything that it wants and as it wants manages to "extract" from boundless Uniform.

But nevertheless consciousness on its multiple holographic level, achieves a main goal: it forms and retains every instant quite workable environment, in which it can be and work in the particles, finding in a result and life, and opportunities for development. Besides, this holographic picture carries out the major function: it in itself expresses and animates the hidden Uniform, who otherwise and would remain unmanifested, and anything wouldn't be.

If to stop in more detail on form-building abilities of consciousness and the process of formation of reality, it proceeds as following.

Consciousness in the totality of individual consciousnesses, or particles-copies of single consciousness of a holographic projection, as, however, and each individual consciousness, targets in Uniform the contours of things familiar and clear to it on their action, which are almost coinciding with previous copies, or identifies them, reads out, and further, it copies them in certain provisions, more precisely, in certain foreshortenings approximately so, as it is done by a animator, updating by them the previous copies, then, after some technical pause caused by outlays on identification and transfer of information, consciousness registers and copies with the subsequent replacement the same, but with some shift, or in another foreshortening etc.

All these as if sketches, unlike animation procedure, immediately as information packages, over and over again, go into processing in irreversible sequence of each position with obligatory technical pauses, replacing each other, more precisely, being updated.

Discretization of process is caused by its impulse character so how scanning the surrounding, recognition of objects, formation of the corresponding information package and its transfer to the processing centers has a certain duration as and processing of each information package.

However consciousness of each living being owing to inertia of processing of discretely arriving data doesn't note intermittence of their receipt, receiving thereby smoothly changing picture of the surrounding. It provides for it some illusion of the continuous motion, change of copies of identified objects from Uniform.

High-frequency updating of copies of things automatically assumes causality of this irreversible information process, inasmuch copying of things at each updating of a holographic projection is carried out consistently on the basis of what is available, but with high frequency. Therefore changes of copies of things in each impulse are insignificant and tied to the previous forms. As a result, in each individual consciousness the high-frequency update is reflected not by the chaotic, but the ordered processes of change of beingness, surrounding it, with compliance of the principle of causality.

Consciousness as if makes in own representation a moving picture of fragments from Uniform identified and read out of it in the form of copies which consciousness is capable meanwhile "to allocate and use". Thus unlike animation process where each sketch remains, copies of objects from Uniform are updated every moment irrevocably leaving only the "current present" in the form passing through "the point of now" the sequence of the irreversible moments, or positions. However the past nevertheless isn't lost and if necessary can be extracted out of virtual memory of consciousness and be used.

Exactly for this reason we have a history, tracing on these or those materials what had happened.

This process is very similar to operation of the computer.

So is expressed activity of consciousness, who for own development and life transfers by copying that can, from the uniform, hidden, eternal in open time in the form of the material holographic formations updated sequentially that is reflected, more precisely, is formed in consciousness of every living being as the moving and changing world of things which surrounds of it.

This world is quite material, inasmuch it is formed on the basis of material information copies of things from Uniform; this world is independent of any living being, i.e. it isn't able to change his functioning on own will. Along with that this beingness is formed only through the living beings, representing consciousness, which in its totality "maintain" this beingness. In other words, without the active (consciousness), the passive (things) cannot exist in any form, and vice versa.

The similar, updated by consciousness on the basis of Uniform, hologram, derivative which is all existing real, quite corresponds to consciousness as to single and along with that divided formation because, as we know, any part of a hologram is interconnected with any other, and each particle, in this case, of consciousness is able to instantly communicate with any other particle of consciousness irrespective of "distance" between them, inasmuch each part of the hologram contains information on all subject. In other words, each particle always knows that another does, irrespective of distance between them which for a holographic projection is the seeming (fictitious). On this experimental basis was developed the theory of the holographic Universe, any particle which is a holographic projection of the only reality.

It was assumed as a consequence of this theory that the physical density of the world is a holographic set of frequencies, and, in particular, that the person is the hologram. [16, chapter 3]

In this process of formation of the connected and changing picture of the manifested fragments from Uniform in the form of their copies, consciousness, like the animator who creates a animated film without defining structure of paints, papers, etc., "allocates" from boundless Uniform so far only that knows, receiving as a result the changing beingness in general at the level of the phenomena, in which, as an "external" framing, locally is situated each individual consciousness, forming own surrounding by means of single consciousness.

Penetration into essence of the manifested things the each individual consciousness produces already at a stage of the finite existence from the birth to death of own carrier, being grouped in communities which members, supporting each other, provide growth and development both the community, and the growth and development of each of its members.

In the world, known to us, these particles of consciousness in each person, try to penetrate into structure of the real, to establish links in it, investigating the manifested by means of perception it already at own level selectively with connection of the intelligence which is available for them. About it there is a lot of works of philosophers and psychologists. Therefore it doesn't make sense to stop on details of process of knowing.

We note only what exactly the conscious, target selectivity in perception, on which the living beings without self-consciousness are not capable, allows the person by the means which are available for him, to reach deeper levels of things and the phenomena, gaining adequate knowledge expertise of them at each level. Naturally, this "level" knowing of things can be qualified only as relative truths, which are adequate only to certain conditions of the corresponding measurements. Perhaps, therefore, knowledge, which are the most complete, appropriately applied and adequately explained the reality, would make sense to name by essences of appropriate levels, but not truths.

At this, compliance of thought and thing (Aristotle), clear and distinct representation of the subject (Descartes), experimental base and confirmation (Locke), consistency of the message (Avenarius); current practice, success (Marx, Lenin); usefulness of the gained knowledge (Peirce) are various, but quite adequate characteristics of truth in the greatest possible set as categories, confirming its diversity, relativity, or variability and, at the same time showing that the truth defines aught steady, i.e. – essence at each level of development of consciousness, not always obvious in the current life, but exactly what consciousness is capable to recognize at the moment from experience with participation of intelligence.

In other words, comprehension of each concrete truth means for consciousness passing of the next stage of knowledge, confirming with set of the specified criteria what the required corresponds to the essence at this level in these conditions within the framework of what is available to human sensations and human thought, which can be not only logical but hypothetical and intuitive.

Absolute truth in the process of knowing cannot be exactly owing to infinite development of consciousness in boundless beingness – the number of levels and measurements of beingness can pass infinitely; itself a multiple and along with that single consciousness as and each its particle, thus gain not only development, but also the opportunity one way or another to express itself, and also receive full-blooded, though every time the finite life; but the number of these lives – infinitely. It should be noted at this, that consciousness in Uniform remains as the eternal and infinite what so and should be in the timeless.

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