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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Thus, the finite is necessary to the infinite not only for functioning of the dual system of Creation as the timeless and along with that as the temporary system, which thereby is retained in equilibrium, but also for stabilization of the active in Creation, making the active by unchanging and eternal in its essence, yet infinitely changeable.

At this, more opportunities for development among all living beings have beings with self-consciousness, who understand itself and, trying to consciously to retain own core, do not miss arising opportunities for own changes – they have enough time to do it, so how consciousness, which is inherent them, and forms time every time for own placement. Therefore a self-conscious being, for example, the person, is support for consciousness in life a on its infinite way on finite islands of reality, and along with that – a base for change of itself in each of realities.

As a result, individuality is not lost, but each time is put into other clothes, which are innumerabl e. So each being, conscious of itself, can be confident that the core of his personality is not undergoing fatal changes in any circumstances, which is just something external, that it itself has created to a certain extent for some of tests of itself in them.

The human consciousness in own limitation, in particular, because of the recognition of unicity of Creation, practically always looks for in any process, at least, the beginning.

Even the best minds of mankind, for example, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Husserl, basing their arguments on unicity of Creation, were forced to come to terms with the necessity of recognition of external impersonal force as the prime-propulsor, though the contradictory and fantastic nature of this force – God – is obvious.

The materialist theory of the self-motion of matter, which should, according to the dogmatic materialists, explain everything, is really inadequate for several reasons.

Self-motion of matter, by definition, is relied as the eternal.

In this case, immediately raises a few questions.

In particular, it would be desirable to know, for what reason the self-motion of lifeless matter has produced the live and has passed into the channel of development of the live, having provoked the beginning of "progress"?

Inasmuch materialists, including Marxists, are not able to give any reasonable explanation for this fact, so far the beginning of development (progress) is recognized by materialists as aught spontaneous, i.e., in contrast to Christian views – as a matter of chance, fluctuation, i.e. some indeterminacy not clearly whereof. So this indeterminacy concerning the beginning of beingness the dogmatic-materialists (the case) and Christians (the external fantastic being) is the same in its depth, despite statements of Marxist-materialists and the Holy fathers. But materialists keep silence about the end of all live, so how this fact is unpleasant and unclear for them though, if was some beginning of progress, then must be some its end.

Further, any motion is impossible without time on which motion is counted. However counting of time requires the observer without whom it is impossible to judge, whether there is motion or it isn't present; so, lack of reasonable beings as observers means problematical character of the motion, as such.

Besides, any motion in the conditions of the resisting environment – another environment is unknown to us – demands continuous "charging" of moving matter for motion preservation. Self-moving matter thereby is impossible without extraneous source, or some propulsor, so how matter is not a perpetual motion machine.

With regard to the beginning and the end of all entities, more reasonable is the model of Hinduism. Proponents of Hinduism believe that the processes taking place in Creation pass infinitely, but, they are afraid of infinite development, without presenting essence of this process. Therefore they reduce these processes to endless series of repetitive, identical, closed circular motions-cycles.

Therefore and here it isn't possible to avoid the beginning, inasmuch it is in each cycle, ergo, again a certain external or divine force is required for an initiation.

However Creation in whole cannot have the beginning for several reasons.

Every beginning requires some extraneous force for initiation and a certain material. However it should be noted in relation to Creation – neither that, nor another couldn't be till the beginning so how, by definition, there was nothing and no one until the beginning.

On the other hand, if to recognize that potentially nothingness is everything in own infinity and timelessness, then this as if Uniform isn't capable to organize exit from timelessness into changes in its separateness (unicity), inasmuch some extraneous force would be required again for this exit. At this, timeless and infinite Uniform owes remain the same – it can't turn into the finite in itself.

Consequently, the beginning of the world doesn't happen by itself and the weak human consciousness can admit it only by means of the appeal to some uncertainty in the form of God, self-development of unclear of what and from what, some senseless circular motion.

However similar approach arises only from powerlessness.

More perspective, apparently, is the equilibrium model of a dual Creation offered by us. In compliance with it becomes clearly, how everything and nothingness, or Uniform doesn't remain in non-existence, and why at the beginning of arrangement of the world there is no need.

Uniform, as everything and nothingness, and remains hidden in timeless infinity and along with that it exists in the "unwrapped" state, inasmuch "nothingness" can be presented not only as pure zero, but also as set of material formations, which integrally make zero, i.e. they are formations, having opposite characteristics.

For such "deployment", or the presence in the finite, in time are required only the material and the guidance, i.e. the passive and the active, who potentially are in infinite Uniform, because there is everything in infinite Uniform.

Thus, the dual equilibrium system of Creation has no motion and formally it is zero as in timeless state, and in "unwrapped" state, or in time.

But exactly in time the infinite can address to finite, i.e. in case of discrete updating of material formations infinitely (the infinite can "appear" in finite infinitely only this way) that it is possible to designate in the form of a temporary projection of Uniform on condition of participation in this eternal process the active, material, understanding and leading formation which has to be for this purpose both the single, and the divided. Such is possible only in a holographic frequency formation. In it the single active discretely updates copies of the things, identifying them in Uniform, forming thereby ruptures of infinity with certain duration, which in irreversible sequence make namely time.

However for development of the active, as distinguishes it from the passive, it is required not only time, but also life, i.e. – a smooth and periodical-progressive course of events at different levels in the worlds of moving and changing things.

The opportunity for the active on transfer of itself in the world of changing things and events is available only one – to eliminate a pause between positions of updating, more precisely, somehow artificially close technically mandatory pauses between consecutive position updates.

This opportunity is realized by the single active through own separation in a holographic projection of Uniform, inasmuch in each own particle of the single active owing to the mechanism of processing of packages of information, described above, a kind of its inertia, there is loss of a pause between positions of updating of copies of things, whereby, in particular, in human consciousness durations of each position of updating are being linked consistently; it for the person, as well as for any another particle of active (the live) is equivalent to manifestation of the moving and changing world of things and phenomena, containing as particles, so wave matter.

In this world the single active can "unfold" in own particles through things, which are formed by each particle of the active in the live by existing sense organs by means of the single active, anyway, i.e., ultimately, acquiring in actions of own particles not only the changes in things (the passive), but also own change.

1.3. Information as the echelon binding the passive and the active

If to define the information as data about state of material objects which consciousness is able to identify (recognize) when scanning the surrounding by means which are available to it, then information is nothing more than a link between the passive, "dissolved" in Uniform, and the active (consciousness), which is situated in a holographic projection of Uniform.

Without material objects including consciousness, information doesn't exist. Generally information arises only at allocation by consciousness from general "noise" of those data which consciousness is capable to identify (recognize).

Information arises only in consciousness through of the means which are available for the carrier of consciousness – sensations for the person, – being by the material copy of the identified consciousness of object (objects) from Uniform, available to sensations.

This primary material comes on channels of sense organs to the processing centers of consciousness.

Information can't be qualified as aught non-material and independent, inasmuch it is data on objects allocated and deciphered by consciousness out of boundless environment, surrounding consciousness, more precisely, from Uniform. Besides, in a holographic projection the set of the information copies, being updated by consciousness, makes its contents, i.e. for each individual consciousness, in the finite form (derivative from the holographic projection), – things in time and space, or beingness.

The multiple-single consciousness of the holographic projection is capable to recognize in compliance with own form-building opportunities the objects from its basis – timeless Uniform. These objects are impossible to extract from eternal and inseparable Uniform, but they can be reflected in consciousness by information copies of the identified things from Uniform. These frequency holograms-copies exist for each individual consciousness in the form of the copies of objects from Uniform, in particular, surrounding each person. They are perceived by him in the form of concrete things owing to his physiological constitution. The multiple-single consciousness of the holographic projection is some kind of double of consciousness which is "dissolved" in Uniform together with things. Exactly this duality gives consciousness the access into Uniform, allowing thereby to update holograms of things in the holographic projection, resulting in the changing frequency set of copies of things, surrounding copies particles of consciousness, is formed.

In this process the identification is performed automatically thanks to the inextricable link of each individual consciousness, as the part of the hologram, with single consciousness in a set of own particles, in which there are appropriate programs containing known and necessary samples similar groups of consciousnesses on the level of development as well as each individual consciousness out of these groups.

Data on the corresponding identified objects from Uniform in the form of separate portions-impulses sequentially arrive through the sense organs of the living being into the centers of their processing. Every impulse, thus, contains the information copy of the corresponding fragments of objects from Uniform.

This copy completely updates the previous copy in the course of its processing in the centers of the living being. At this, the existing gap, or a pause between the impulses arriving one after another is obliterated in consciousness of the living being due to the certain duration of processing of every portion of information and thereby arising delay, that does the discrete process of receipt of information by continuous for consciousness .

This delay (inertia of perception) is reflected in consciousness of the living being by perception by him of separate portions of information, which is processed by its centers sequentially, in the form of continuously changing picture of things, among which the living being is situated and with which it can interact.

The living being in this case is situated as though inside the changing picture, formed by his consciousness, like a personage of a computer game, but with that difference, that self living being "produces" the "game". In other words, the current irreversible present time, its "now" is manifested for each living being.

Thus, for each person the information, arriving discretely, is reprocessed into images, meanings, feelings which are also quite material components of each individual consciousness attracting the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis together with memory, imagination, aspirations, perception of separate objects the person each moment of the present time interacts with environment.

All actions of the being, having consciousness, are carried out in this pass-through process only on condition of receipt by his consciousness of the corresponding portions of information, each of which is processed within the certain duration ("now"), forming a series of successive moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.

It turns out, what not the act causes the word, but the word, more precisely, the multilateral discrete information process, proceeding "automatically" each separate moment of life, forms the present time of each person and together with it all world, surrounding of each person.

Information process on the basis of contact of the active (consciousness) in a holographic projection with the passive from Uniform in dual system of Creation creates the surrounding of the person by things, i.e. it creates conditions for life, activity, actions of reasonable beings in the current time ("now") among not the motionless updated copies of objects from Uniform, but moving things (beingness).

All these "things" initially in the form of the motionless copies the each individual consciousness, according to own level of development, "extracts" out of boundless Uniform by the means which are available for him with assistance of the single consciousness, what and happens every moment life, known to us. This process of formation of time by consciousness on the basis of Uniform is along with that process of sequential updating of the holographic copies of things.

Asymmetry of the "selection" by consciousness of information from "environment", or receiving by consciousness of information without loss of substance and/or energy by a source of information is explained by unilateral scanning surrounding by consciousness via own carrier, in the course of which consciousness as if looks through the objects of scanning without their change thanks to only to read operation and copying of those data about them which consciousness is capable to decipher.

Otherwise, if when receiving by consciousness of information has been energetical and/or material exchange as it occurs at usual interactions of material objects, then the both parties of interaction anyway would be changed (destructed), losing initial properties, and life in such unstable world wouldn't be possible.

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