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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Thus, it is possible to note that according to the offered model of the dual Creation the true is the existence of actual, active infinity (consciousness) and boundless, potentially full by all things, but passive infinity which are merged in timeless and motionless Uniform, and existence them in infinite change discretely in a holographic projection of Uniform, which is "converted" in each individual consciousness into beingness with the moving and changing things.

And can't be differently, inasmuch Uniform and its projection sustain each other in the form of the equilibrium dual system, and they aren't capable to existence in separateness. Their division would mean disappearance of Uniform, so how separately it is net zero or it is nothingness.

Single consciousness finds itself in plurality of particles-copies in the world into time, and thereby the motionless uniform consciousness in Uniform through its projection becomes capable in the form of copies to alter itself through change of own particles-copies providing it by information about own finite lives in the living beings infinitely at a support on things in the form of copies manifested by them from Uniform, which there is everything and nothingness in own infinity, as if enlivening in this process Uniform, full by everything.

Infinite and timeless Uniform, thus, is the merged together the active and the passive; but in own projection it is presented by a multiple steady active, seeking to development, and – the passive, receiving different forms. The passive makes base for this development in infinitely updated by the active a holographic projection.

This duality is the only condition of manifestation Uniform, or – as a result – such duality is the only condition for life and development of consciousness.

It is curious that, represented as "thing in itself" the timeless, infinite Uniform, is being "unpacked" by sense organs of the person every instant – just look around, – thereby Uniform gives the opportunity to human consciousness to recognize his existence without belief in something fantastic, all-powerful and external.

Each person understands own spiritual essence, i.e. – understands that he is not a thing, that he can do a lot of things on own understanding, but when everything goes well in his life, the person, as a rule, doesn't think about virtual subjects.

However at these or those failures, as well as at the end of life, he willy-nilly looks for support, understanding own powerlessness, and often – and a vanity of hopes, one prays, another person meditates – and he can be addressed to God, an idol, etc.; but any person is addressed in fact, without noticing that, to own essence – to own consciousness: and this address is equivalent to the appeal to single consciousness.

In reply he receives that looks for: either hope, or confidence, or if everything is very bad, – consolation.

The person as image of Uniform, creates own "now", naturally, with assistance of Uniform which can't but respond on him.


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