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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Uniform only in the presence of a similar projection can "exit" in actual existence, or in time, remaining along with that as the infinite and the motionless. Advantages in this case do not exist at one or another form, inasmuch this infinite process has not the beginning.

Therefore Uniform contains the passive which gives "a construction material" in the end for beingness as well as the active – consciousness, or "a conceiving material" who is capable "to create" the reality known to us, according to own understanding in a projection of Uniform .

Kant's "thing in itself" (transcendental object) which implicitly presents everywhere, in sense of it inexhaustibility, but not isolation from consciousness, can be attributed not to thing, as such, but to infinite Uniform. Consciousness can eternally scoop from it for own holographic projection the things in copies, discretely updating them, and to create thereby a basis for own development in these infinite, discrete changes.

Kant tried to explain in due time the "duality" of the world, or its ideal and along with that material character by reference to antinomy of mind: “… phenomenon has always two aspects, the one, the object considered as a thing in itself, without regard to the mode of intuiting it, and the nature of which remains for this very reason problematical, the other, the form of our intuition of the object, which must be sought not in the object as a thing in itself, but in the object to which it appears – which form of intuition nevertheless belong really and necessarily to the phenomenal object… … those who maintain the absolute reality of time and space, whether as essentially subsisting, or only inhering, as modifications, in things, must find themselves at utter variance with the principles of experience itself. For, if they decide for the first view, and make space and time into substances, this being the side taken by mathematical natural philosophers, they must admit two self-subsisting nonentities,, infinite and eternal, which exist (yet without there being anything real) for the purpose of containing in themselves everything that is real. If they adopt the second view of inherence, which is preferred by some metaphysical natural philosophers, and regard space and time as relations (contiguity in space or succession in time), abstracted from experience, though represented confusedly in this state of separation, they find themselves in that case necessitated to deny the validity of mathematical doctrines a priori in reference to real things (for example, in space) – at all events their apodeictic certainly. For such certainty cannot be found in an a posteriori proposition; and the conceptions a priori of space and time are, according to this opinion, mere creations of the imagination, having their source really in experience, inasmuch as, out of relations abstracted from experience, imagination has made up something which contains, indeed, general statements of these relations, yet of which no application can be made without the restrictions attached thereto by natural” [25; 1.1., §8].

Kant is attempted to remove the contradiction, as a matter of fact, between materialism and idealism by means of own model. But it was unsuccessful owing to lack of the basis for explain of a natural duality of Creation. This attempt led only to the conclusion about antinomy of mind which is resolved in discernment of "transcendental objects" (thing in itself) and "phenomena", with subsequent restriction of knowledge in favor of belief.

The dual model of Creation, presented by us, in a certain degree removes the problem dividing materialists and idealists.

The real – material and moving – world as derivative a holographic projection of Uniform, isn't denied, development of this world together with consciousness isn't denied also; at the same time the impossibility of existence only the infinite, the eternal, the timeless, which in this singleness can't be by anything other as a non-existence, is shown.

On the other hand, "exit" of the infinite into finite formations, more precisely, their link means emergence of time, and this process is impossible without participation of consciousness which understands, how to do it.

So, Creation cannot to do without two interdependent "beginnings", but it isn't necessary to exaggerate value of each of them, for example, putting the active in the position of the incorporeal and only force, which produces everything suddenly, or "forcing" the passive (matter) to produce consciousness.

A holographic projection of Uniform as temporary formation, derivative of which is the moving worlds, "is being constructed" by multiple consciousness, do not existing without it, but this projection "is being constructed" only on the basis of the passive from Uniform, and matter itself in the form of copies, but other quality (frequency range) makes particles of consciousness also. Uniform without similar holographic projection – already non-existence.

The mechanism of formation of time is dual: "external" time of these or those universes, measurements is formed by single in its plurality consciousness with all its might whereas time of each individual consciousness, or its "now" is formed by individual consciousness for itself within the framework of "external" time according to own opportunities and opportunities of own carrier, but with the participation of single consciousness.

At this, Uniform, containing potentially the passive and the active, remains infinite, eternal and motionless, i.e. – out of time; but it (Uniform) is discretely manifested along with that in the form of copies of things by copies of multiple particles of consciousness, inasmuch they copy the objects from Uniform identified by them, forming a holographic updated picture, which isn't becoming isolated on itself, but being transformed by single consciousness into the subject worlds, in which particles-copies of consciousness act in the living beings.

These manifested finite holographic formations, infinitely emerging and replacing each other, are represented the person as the thingness worlds due to coupling of positions of updated in his inertial consciousness. Such loss of a pause between updates of copies for each individual consciousness in the person means emergence of the moving things for him: consciousness in plurality of own particles on carriers can really sense and act, and at the highest level of self-conscious entities – not only to live, feeling, but consciously to change oneself in time formed by them. The very structure and ways of functioning of the living being “make" for it the world in which it can live.

Thus, consciousness is merged with the passive in infinity of Uniform and along with that it in unity of their multiple particles-copies is into a holographic projection, forming on the basis of Uniform eventually the thingness beingness which thereby together with consciousness comes out in active existence.

It is also necessary to note that the highest consciousness, or consciousness, understanding itself in the live, seeks to other living beings which do not bear in itself meaning programs,in order to merge with them, because both the highest consciousness, and the lowest consciousness in the living beings receive as a result that what they can't have separately – not only the computer-thinking component in the course of acquisition of knowledge , not only direct sensations respectively, but a whole unpredictable and polichromatic life in a conscious state – and repeatedly – with all its pleasures and sufferings, which come and leave but which appear only at coexistence of a live body and the thinking consciousness; both of them both support each other, and fight with each other; the highest consciousness also gets possibility of cognition through sense organs of the living being of essence of things and own essence by means of experience and not without participation of thought processes.

They jointly on the basis of subject matter make life in its different manifestations except which in creation there is nothing more interesting. Such life, full of contradictions, struggle, the gaining of finds and the incurring of irreparable losses, is possible only at the joint actions of the self-conscious beings and other living beings: the living beings without self-consciousness fight by all means for the better life, and the self-conscious beings seeks for the development, new, harmony and the general benefit. This insuperable collision gradually brings in each individual consciousness the increasing understanding oneself, without achievement of a certain level of which, transition to new ways of development is impossible. However neither blissful life, nor perfection and harmony in such coexistence are never achieved.

Any living being potentially is a basis for his "transformation" already into the carrier of the highest individual consciousness which understands itself and consciously arranges own life, how it wants and can, however, forming own time in stream with single consciousness, inasmuch each part of a hologram contains information about all hologram in a holographic projection.

Thus, each particle, in this case, from the multitude of individual consciousnesses, is able to communicate instantly with any other particle irrespective of distance, which is absent in the hologram for them, making thereby single consciousnesses, along with that having own lives, dissimilar from lives of someone; limits of these lives are confined to finite existence of their carriers, in particular, by human life, but the number of which is infinite.

These individual consciousnesses, as the parts of the hologram, – too the copies, having single infinite consciousness in the quality of the original, more precisely, any of these particles comprises all single consciousness and vice versa.

The person seems insignificant, surrounded of oceans, mountains, star scatterings. But it is not so.

The person – the most perfect, unique and completed representative of Creation as a whole, because he in own holographic basis combines the simplest frequency spectrum of things, the complex frequency spectrum of the living beings without self-consciousness (only sensing beings) and the most complex spectrum of the self-conscious beings.

At this combination (merge) each person is an image of Uniform, inasmuch he is equipped with everything that is only possible in Creation, – there is no only of eternity of Uniform. Anyway the person is the interaction of the lifeless, thingness components, the consciousness of the lowest level (the level of sensations) and the thinking, projecting, understanding itself consciousness which in its single expression "holds" all beingness in a state of change, updating a projection of Uniform, and consciousness is a key link in dual system of Creation, doing it stable by means of removal from nothingness, into which without consciousness would turn everything.

The active (consciousness) in the person provides for itself the actual, though every time temporary life, which brings into consciousness the changes.

Consciousness in its individual expression, appearing in finite beings over and over again, keeps its active character, its main frequency basis due to actions in the resisting world, which consciousness seeks to change as soon as can, despite all obstacles arising before it.

Consciousness, which is frequency structure in own particles, is subjected to failures in the process of update in a holographic projection. These purely statistical mistakes, happening in superhigh-frequency formations, can change quality of formation and even to destroy it at their accumulation, what happens to the passive (things), resulting things are finite under form; it, apparently, has to dislocate the frequency structure of each individual consciousness, up to his destruction.

However it doesn't happen for the following reason.

If the passive (things) isn't capable (things have not consciousness) to correct happening changes in own basis (the frequency spectrum) and sooner or later it is degraded – any thing, as the passive, has not aspiration to keep anyway its feature which thing is not aware, it has only standard feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration – then every living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible ways, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby consciousness in any living being keeps its main feature – activity, or inescapable aspiration to changes in itself and round itself. However, consciousness in any living being can't influence destruction of thingness components of the body, disintegration of which stops the functioning and existence of this symbiotic formation (concrete living being).

Existence of consciousness into things and among things, as well as near other consciousnesses in the form of the living beings, on the one hand, allows each individual consciousness on reactions to its actions to correct structure of own frequency kernel at means of single consciousness, restoring this kernel, and thereby not to lose own feature – aspiration to changes, i.e. liberty in a varying degree of expression.

In other words, actions of the person, promoting restoration of frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow being eternal to each individual consciousness. Therefore, consciousness cannot be completely separated from the living beings and is compelled for preservation of itself again and again "to plunge" itself into the living beings. This way, i.e. – discretely, the infinite keeps itself, as the active, in the finite temporary world.

On the other hand, similar temporary existence of consciousness in the finite being provides the ability to use changes in itself and round itself, which it is capable to sense and/or understand, anyway, with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.

As a result, the stay of the active beginning in the person not only gives to the person as to a separate being, conscious life, higher which anything isn't present, but also each individual consciousness has an opportunity in actions of the person to be changed and along with that to keep own kernel from destruction, remaining, unlike things, as the eternal and along with that, possessing individuality inherent only to it.

The consciousness of any living being, and not only person, creates own world, its "now", scanning through sense organs the surrounding, penetrating thereby locally into boundless Uniform.

Naturally, any individual consciousness having a certain level of development, cannot cover by sensations of own body-carrier and by its understanding all infinite Uniform; but it is capable by those means which it has (the person has five sense organs), and by those forms which single consciousness provides to it according to its level of development and type of its carrier, to identify in Uniform the things corresponding to its life cycle, and by consecutive irreversible copying through a pause to form own time which is "transformed" in each individual consciousness due to loss of a pause in it in colourful, moving and changing "now", in which this individual consciousness can exist in the company with other individual consciousnesses among recognizable and copied things, remaining inseparably with own carrier for a certain time in this existence and sensing this existence.

Thus, it is possible to note that according to the offered model of the dual Creation the true is the existence of actual, active infinity (consciousness) and boundless, potentially full by all things, but passive infinity which are merged in timeless and motionless Uniform, and existence them in infinite change discretely in a holographic projection of Uniform, which is "converted" in each individual consciousness into beingness with the moving and changing things.

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