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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Infinite, motionless and eternal Uniform, thus, is the doubled system – Creation – thanks to the active in Uniform and its projection which also remains same infinite, motionless and eternal, but already "broken off" by the finite, sequentially updated formations which separately are already temporary and on condition of linking them in itself the active receives beingness and life where it can realize itself in real actions, turning thereby Uniform through its projection out of nothingness into everything.

I.e. Uniform, remaining eternal, exits along with that through a projection in real existence.

The active, merged with the passive in Uniform, along with that turns out in the hologram as separate copies and can "attract" thereby on own understanding into it copies of the passive from Uniform, forming with them joint temporary formations, represented in finite form as the living beings, surrounded by things if the consciousness in the living beings "does not notice" a pause between positions of update.

Thereby the active "creates" an irreversible stream of time in which things, corresponding to holograms of one sign, move and change in space.

The moving colourful world becomes for each individual consciousness as direct reality outside which it in combination with own carrier can't function in respect of growth, development, various vital aspirations, feelings, thought processes.

Duration of position of update in holographic projection is too short for any thought process or feelings; but loss of pauses between positions of update of information copies occurring in each conscious being (the live) in its interaction with the environment, allows without interruptions to be formed to feelings, thoughts, which as if cling to each other, proceeding unceasingly and replacing each other up to death of the body, and the moment of death of a body is loss by consciousness of the connection with the environment, i.e. when the information from it through the senses ceases to flow. The basis for comparing disappears during this moment, and feelings, thoughts lose beingness as basis. Consciousness is not capable doing anything in this situation more and it moves away.

Pierce purely intuitively realized a phenomenon of this process of motion of feelings and thoughts as derivative of interaction of sense organs and consciousness with the surrounding, or, in our understanding, as information process of interaction each individual consciousness in own carrier with the surrounding in which all moments of time in perception of the person are merged together sequentially: “At no one instant in my state of mind is there cognition or representation, but in the relation of my states of mind at different instants there is. In short, the Immediate (and therefore in itself unsusceptible of mediation–the Unanalyzable, the Inexplicable, the Unintellectual) runs in a continuous stream through our lives; it is the sum total of consciousness, whose mediation, which is the continuity of it, is brought about by a real effective force behind consciousness” [7, V. II p. 211-242].

In particular, the pause between the nervous impulses from sense organs at the person, containing information, means that they don't go continuously. However this pause in every moment is below a perception threshold of human consciousness and therefore drops out from his consciousness: a moving picture for human consciousness is provided with the interval between successive frames (copies of fragments of things) about 0.04 seconds that is the specified threshold in this case.

The person therefore perceives the world as it is allowed by its sense organs and centers of processing of information arriving from them. In another dimension the world can look absolutely unimaginable for us, as in it at living beings sense organs are others. Even in our measurement if to take sense organs of the person and a squid for comparison, it is extremely difficult to imagine, how we and everything else are perceived by a squid.

Therefore motion, as such, is essence of any measurement where life proceeds. In this regard each measurement is derivative of a holographic projection, or – some kind the world, determined by consciousness, – outside of this world every individual consciousness in own carrier and thereby single consciousness, isn't capable to live and develop.

Consciousness in its highest manifestation is, first of all, fragile thought which finds to itself a way out through these or those sense organs of own live carrier without which cogitative makings of consciousness would be useless in the worlds, derivative of a holographic projection.

So far as consciousness is merged with passive in infinite and untimely Uniform, in so far as in a holographic projection of Uniform consciousness also doesn't come off completely from the passive, being conceiving and/or feeling matter in the form of the appropriate frequency formation in its set in a holographic projection, at this any individual consciousness in each own finite life as the living being of this set in the appropriate measurement of beingness forms own surrounding by available means with assistance of single consciousness in the form of the fragments corresponding to its level of development from infinitely many-sided Uniform, including and an own temporary body, or the carrier.

Consciousness, being in the worlds, derivative of a holographic projection of Uniform in a set as the living beings, by means of sensations of each own carrier is capable, owing to accessory to Uniform, as if to feel conjoint infinite Uniform, penetrating into it, and, having applied their knowledge, to identify in Uniform known and necessary to it. Similar "extract" of a thing means possibility of copying by consciousness of the recognizable object. Moving here do not need owing to what in a holographic projection of Uniform motion as such, is absent – is formed only time in sequence of positions of identification of fragments from Uniform for each measurement.

It is possible to be expressed figuratively so: consciousness looks through "book" of Uniform and every "moment" from its copied "pages" updates the own "now", the own "book".

Copies of all objects from Uniform, including "body" of each individual consciousness, as temporary, finite forms, on the basis of the passive, providing the environment of existence of consciousness, each individual consciousness forms by means of single consciousness in aggregate of individual consciousnesses.

Any individual consciousness is actual, i.e. it can act in own surrounding only at existence from the birth to death of own carrier. In fact, death means impossibility of action of a body with preservation of all its functions because of accumulation during life of information failures when updating numerous cells of the carrier of each individual consciousness.

Identified by consciousness motionless object from Uniform in a certain position, or in one foreshortening is fixed in each copy; at the next moment the same motionless object from Uniform is fixed in another foreshortening with obtaining the corresponding copy and updates the previous copy; then, again the same motionless object is fixed from a different angle, etc.; and in the process of recognition, scanning and copying can be involved and other objects. Although, of course, it is not necessary to submit copies, which are updated in a holographic projection, as things in our understanding, inasmuch they are the wave-like structures differing on frequency as well as imposed on the carrier wave by fluctuations of other frequencies (harmonics) is similar to radio-frequency fluctuations received by the television receiver which give for us sound and image.

Similar consecutive change of a foreshortening of object from Uniform when obtaining its copies with loss of technical pauses between positions of update produces illusion of motion, but not true motion, inasmuch the holographic projection remains motionless in each hologram. In other words, what seems to us by motion – similarly to motion of people and subjects on the screen when scrolling the movie consisting of fixed separate frames with this or that coherent content. However, unlike cinema, each individual consciousness participates in this "illusion", i.e. each person automatically gets to the reality formed by him, more precisely, his consciousness through sensations and centers of processing of the arriving information, and he can grow, develop, move etc. in this environment, manifested by him.

A holographic projection of Uniform is frequency in the basis, i.e. – quite material formation. Each measurement, derivative of this projection, is formed by single consciousness according to a level of development of the individual consciousnesses presented there for life on patterns of own form-building abilities.

In particular, the three-dimensional world known to us, judging by duration, minimum possible for it, in seconds with the basis 10 and the exponent-24 (according to other scientific data this exponent can be-44), can give frequency structures in hertz with basis 10 and exponent to 24 (44). This frequency is the limit for the formation of copies of things of our measurement which are "produced" by single consciousness. The frequency spectrum of copies of single consciousness in its division is above this threshold – and therefore it is impossible these frequency and accordingly copies to record in any ways in three-dimensional measurement.

As for the pause between moments of receiving by single consciousness of copies of things, it can't be for our measurement less than duration in seconds with basis 10 and exponent -24 (according to other data this exponent can be -44).

As a consequence of the fact that beingness in its basis is a holographic projection of Uniform, – and this projection is formed by consciousness – it is impossible to recognize as truth independent existence of time which besides is considered science independent of consciousness and connected with motion.

Motion, which is absent in Uniform, as well as in its projection, is necessary as phenomenon in which all living beings can develop. Motion also is being "produced" together with space, objects and smoothly current time by consciousness through the living beings who only such environment, formed by them, are capable to perceive as reality and, respectively, to live and develop in it.

However time, as discrete durations, is formed originally not in beingness, and in a holographic projection, merging in uniform stream moving and changing things only after processing the information packets, updating one another successively, in the processing centers of living beings.

Kant intuitively has understood this fact, considering that time is absent in things outside the subject, but recognizing time as a condition of presentation about subjects: “Time is therefore merely a subjective condition of our (human) intuition (which is always sensuous, that is, so far as we are affected by objects), and in respect of all phenomena, consequently of all things which come within the sphere of our experience, it is necessarily objective. We cannot say, “All things are in time”, because in this conception of things in general, we abstract and make no mention of any sort of intuition of things. But this is the proper condition under which time belongs to our representation of objects. If we add the condition to the conception, and say, “All things, as phenomena, that is, objects of sensuous intuition, are in time,” then the proposition has its sound objective validity and universality a priori” [25; 1.1, §7].

Presumably, the living beings cannot live directly in conditions of the frequency, updated projection of Uniform – therefore, living beings (consciousness) has no choice, as to form by means of single consciousness the suitable conditions in the form of worlds, derivatives from the holographic projection.

For example, for each individual consciousness in the world known to us the pause between moments of copying or updating drops out owing to physiological features of living beings, gaps between positions of updating disappear for consciousness of the living beings, the world gets motion and smoothness in development, that is directly reflected in human consciousness, and this reality, which "comes" from sensations, acquires the character of the true human beingness.

The world is represented to the person as the beautiful in its sunsets and sunrises, singing of birds and rustle of waves, but the person cannot only luxuriate in it – in foundation of this world is laid the deepest contradictions going still from Uniform, which is everything and nothingness.

Our world is built on contrasts and struggle of everything with everything: the birth is near with death, wonderful blossoming of the nature – with awful decomposition of corpses; still, warm night is replaced by a catastrophic storm. Among people dominates not only love, respect and mercy, but also as equals with them rule hatred and fear, rage, envy and despair.

However only in the conditions of deadly struggle with each other, in sufferings and sorrows consciousness can develop, finding the road to mercy and love. Whatever it was, but consciousness itself forms such world which in other measurements can be kinder, but all the same constructed on contrasts and struggle.

So that consciousness knows that does, and as to conduct this work, the benefit all this process has no beginning and in it there will be no end though every "moment" the basis of our world "arises", and at the next moment – "disappears", more precisely, it is updated etc.

Beingness which is presented to us as such reliable, real, vast, corresponding certain laws, containing macro– and microcosm, elementary particles and radiations, galaxies and the living beings, in the basis has no more than information, more precisely, – the high-frequency holographic formations bearing information. They are equal to zero integrally each position of updating owing to manifestation of each wave-like formation jointly with the same formation in antiphase. Such balance of a holographic projection of Uniform corresponds to timeless Uniform which is nothingness, becoming by everything only through own projection in time.

This process cannot have the beginning and the end because the dual system of Creation is steady in the functioning and manifestation, which excludes non-existence due to interaction between the infinite and the finite.

This system not only has no propulsor, but it formally is nothingness, making in any position zero in total. Therefore, it is nothing to fall apart, it need not begin and end.

On the other hand, the system of Creation isn't capable to be divided on independent Uniform and a separate holographic projection – system is a single whole, in which the form-building active is fueled by the passive losing its shape in finite formations.

The passive, losing a shape in finite (beingness), restores thereby a form of the active at their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic shape and form-building abilities at the expense of the decaying passive in beingness, but the active also, "extracting" the passive from Uniform in the form of information copies for the period of existence of this finite, restores a form of the passive and change it,. So, by means of the address to the finite in the form of losing a shape of the passive the active becomes eternal on a form, properties and can keep all system of Creation in actual existence.

In spite of the fact that Creation on balance is zero, Creation also is everything, and therefore it can't but be manifested, demonstrating to itself in the person of the active this everything consistently and infinitely.

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