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Everything and nothingness - Юрий Низовцев

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Locke's removal from prime beginning – sensations, couldn't but lead him to thought of check of the different ideas, arising on the basis of sensations. As criterion of truth for correction of distortions, arising in the course of formation of ideas, Locke offers experience. In this approach of Locke to definition of truth is looked through the understanding of the fact that progress towards truth is an aspiration to explain the nature of objects and phenomena. This means understanding of the impossibility of possessing by the person of absolute truth.

On the other hand, the experimental verification of the ideas proposed by Locke is the rejection of the concept of "innate ideas":“… men, barely by the use of their natural faculties, main attain to all the knowledge they have, without the help of only of any innate impressions; and may arrive at certainly, without any such original notions or principles” [22, p. 7].

In this opinion Locke both is right, and isn't right, inasmuch the crux of the matter consists in – to whom should be attributed these form-building abilities or ideas.

In human consciousness these form-building abilities or ideas are hidden, more precisely, directly they can't be manifested, so how the person is obliged to start acting in life with "blank sheet", to find new ways, but not to be under the influence of already known. Along with that, "congenital ideas", and actually form-building abilities of single consciousness, are a basis of all real, inasmuch the lifeless matter can't produce any ideas, unlike consciousness. Therefore single consciousness, which is present at each person, forms all environment, surrounding him, through his sensations on the basis of the passive from Uniform.

Single consciousness in a varying degree understands itself and understands that it wants and can, and, as a result, it finds ways of own development both on own level, and on the level of each individual consciousness in the environment which except it couldn't be formed on own projects.

Our reasoning and digression to history lead to thought, that there are two levels of consciousness – the lowest, which includes all the living, self-perpetuating, adapting to the environment, changing in it, acting instinctively and reflexively, perceiving the fact of own existence at the level of sensation; and the highest level of consciousness which differs from the lowest only by the fact that to the perception of sensation is added the awareness of self, expressed not only in thinking, the speech, but also in imagination, memory, different experiences and passions, will, perpetual aspiration to liberty against any order.

Any consciousness, and not just human consciousness, produces own world, copying and receiving every moment via channels of the sense organs which are available for own carrier, of course, not a direct image of all Uniform, which is the infinite, but, receiving display of those fragments from Uniform which this individual consciousness is capable to identify and bind with the hidden help of single consciousness.

All this initial copying of the recognizable fragments from Uniform any individual consciousness carries out automatically as it can, according to own level of development, own sense organs, but in contact with single consciousness, inasmuch individual consciousness in the carrier, whether it be a bacterium or the person, in a separation from single consciousness can't deploy a full picture of own world in the present, formed by it, and it also doesn't exist in a separation from single consciousness, making in the holographic projection not its part, but being by self single consciousness.

The living beings without self-consciousness are completely subordinated to the need in the world which is manifested through their sense organs without realizing itself.

However the living beings without self-consciousness potentially comprise the germ of liberty so how they at own level through own sense organs by means of single consciousness forms own time of life, own environment and seeks to survive in it.

But the living beings without self-consciousness do not yet have the opportunity to be aware of itself in this world, unlike the beings understanding self. Nevertheless any "simple" living being differs from a thing, inasmuch it senses and has the master intellect according to which it can adequately act in the world of the phenomena, without going deep into their essence. Thereby any "simple" living being is a threshold of the highest consciousness, without which the last isn't capable to manifest, inasmuch only the living being has sense organs, and without sensations and the person and any other organism, understanding itself, can't "enter" into existence into the real, moving world.

As a rule, self-consciousness is manifested in the living beings without self-consciousness on the highest level of their developments. These beings are used by the highest consciousness which is taking root into them as a basis for development of the got formation. Therefore single consciousness primarily copies itself in the form of the living beings without self-consciousness in the "external" world formed by him as uniform consciousness providing the living beings suitable conditions for gradual development, which is expressed in creation by each living organism of his "now" within "the external". Actually, development of the living organism consists in reworking by its consciousness of the reality formed by it as being updated "now", in every moment which consciousness through sensations "replaces" gradually and consistently copies of previous objects of environment on objects, which provide to it the best adaptability by environment and the most favorable living conditions.

Thereby any living being changes self, fighting against other types of the living beings, perishing and appearing in new quality, but in general the living beings is in a progressive trend. All this is satisfactorily studied and described by the evolutionary theory, except an explanation of emergence the living beings and emergence among living beings of the person who, having self-consciousness, refuses simply to adapt to the environment, but begins to change it purposefully.

As a result, the volume of information received by each person and human communities in general grows with big acceleration, than at the living beings without self-consciousness, more and more condensing time and eventually leading of human communities in our three-dimensional measurement to disintegration owing to the information collapse, or accumulation of excess information which consciousness of the person is not able to "digest" [16, chapter V].

Thus, the being with self-consciousness differs from other living beings only by understanding ourselves, from which grows all its aspirations, and which are based on dissatisfaction of consciousness by itself, meaning its initial activity which is expressed in impossibility of this being to live, simply adapting to the environment. It acquires requirement to change this environment and to change itself together with it, and thus to develop, not following the only need to adapt to the existing order.

This conscious aspiration to change all existing, to liberation from former, to its replacement by other is the finding of liberty by any being with self-consciousness. Liberty of any individual consciousness is anyway manifested in these conscious decisions. During this process the consciousness enriches itself. At the same time liberty gives to the person the chance to live as he wants within surrounding reality if the person, the consciousness carrier, is able, more precisely, is capable to dispose by this gift adequately.

Liberty does not require "to attribute" it to the person as "transcendental object" ("thing-in-itself"), i.e. to believe that the person is free only in the intelligible world. Any self-conscious being is freely always and everywhere owing to understanding of itself, understanding of own existence in the world: it always comes to decisions self, it self and is responsible for them in any sphere – practical or intellectual. And it is unimportant, are available on it the reasons or these decisions are spontaneous; the important thing is that in the consciousness of the person as the exponent of activity of consciousness "sits" perpetual dissatisfaction, without which he would turn into the stupid cattle, chewing the same cud, that can be very pleasant. Exactly it is the expression of his liberty and for this reason he has an opportunity not simply to live, and consciously to develop himself and don't stand still [23, chapters. I-II]/

Not beingness "imposes" self to consciousness in general, and not consciousness can do what it wishes with beingness, but consciousness "attracts" to itself copies only of those objects from Uniform which it is capable to identify and unite through sensations of the carrier of consciousness with that from moment to moment by consciousness for itself eventually is being formed a changing picture of things. Images of things in consciousness at this process are adequate to self things. Other fragments from Uniform, which can't pass across the available canals of sense organs or which consciousness aren't capable to distinguish, at least, so far, drop out of the changing picture of the fragmentary beingness formed by consciousness.

In this process of obtaining an adequate display is available for the consciousness of reality at the level of phenomena by means of incoming and processed information packages take part both the senses organs, and the centers processing of the arriving information. At this owing to physiological features of a live organism the pause between "moments" of copying drops out for consciousness of the living being, resulting in front of any living creature emerges the moving and changing colorful world, instead of the frequency holographic projection.

But to comprehend the fact that the carrier of the consciousness enters into the time process is capable only the highest consciousness which aware itself, but, as the person, it considers time independent from itself. Nevertheless, the process of the receipt and processing of information means the emergence of own time or "now" for the human consciousness in which it receives the changing spatial picture of the surrounding. In it, the person can participate in events, or to live – to interact with surrounding objects, to think, to experience, to find self, to set goals, to solve problems, to seek even unattainable, and to find satisfaction in this.

Thus, for human consciousness the changing world picture in the form of the phenomena, but not essences of deep levels, is formed not by sensations and not by thinking, though they are means, and this picture in general is a product of processing of arriving information in the person, similar to what occurs in the computer or in any living being without self-consciousness; the difference consists only that the human consciousness is capable to separate itself from reality and to interact with it already on this new basis – a basis of own self-consciousness, purposefully using memory, cognitive abilities, speech, various kinds of communication, imagination, experimental data, and all this – against the background of emotion, but not by means of only the software or instinctive and reflex actions respectively.

It is possible therefore to note that each person possesses the highest form of matter from all available its forms just because he is a self-conscious being with the greatest possible level of liberty. Eventually he isn't subordinated to anybody and disposes by himself, so how he initially in the consciousness "throws" himself only into such world in which it can purposefully be implemented so, as he can so far in the conditions of the resisting environment including and his direct competitors, the same, as he himself. The person differs exactly by this from all other living beings, also having consciousness, but the lower level which only are being adapted to the environment, formed by them with the participation of uniform consciousness, – from bacteria to the highest mammals.

However potentially any living being without self-consciousness is the foundation of life, without which higher consciousness cannot do. The living beings without self-consciousness not only create the basis for the existence of a highest consciousness, but and – an intermediate shell between it and inanimate matter, supplying to a human body practically all energy resources, being him food, as well as creates the live and vibrant background of his life without which human communities would been in the ice desert of silence.

Thus, it is possible to tell that the person comprises all Creation not only because he is a particle of a holographic projection of Uniform but also because he is both a thing, and consciousness of simply live organism, and the highest consciousness of the being which understands self.

Thingness in the person is material base of all, making a human body out of the elements and components corresponding to this measurement of beingness. In this lifeless matter, the passive is manifested the sign of Uniform without which Creation wouldn't take place.

The lower consciousness, animating the body in accordance with existing codes and programs that allow it to be reproduced, there is a metabolism in body, there are the sense organs in it which "deliver" information outside and from within to centers processing information and controlling an organism.

The most significant in simply live organism are the sensations which are carrying out communication of consciousness in it with the surrounding.

The highest consciousness, which comes in a merger with corporeal components of the body and simply live organism, creates the being having self-consciousness which is a symbol of all Creation "constructed" for it.

It is clear from this comparison of all three components of the reality of our world, that a sign of the person is not his material essence, not his sensations or even not its rationality inherent in any living beings owing to presence of managing directors of the centers at them, but only self-consciousness can be as this sign.

Self-consciousness gives a scope for any creativity, providing the general development of consciousness in the conditions suitable for life and at the same time in the conditions resisting environment. Thanks to self-consciousness this creativity results to infinite, meaningful functioning of all beingness which exactly for this purpose and is formed by consciousness on the basis of Uniform.

It follows that the person designates and expresses the highest consciousness, , being its tool, on the one hand as the information link tying Uniform to a holographic projection, and on the other hand as the rightful representative of single consciousness which consciously acts in finite real (with motion) formations on the basis of a projection of Uniform in the form of communities; without the similar individuals counteracting each other and along with cooperating among themselves single consciousness would be powerless.

1.6. Things in beingness as a projection of the fragments identified by consciousness into Uniform

Nevertheless there is still such question: and what things which don't possess ability to feel and think, – they exist or not?

The answer seems obvious: if can be touched them, then they are. At the same time, logically, in compliance with which only the living beings have the ability to sense, things must have a substantial difference from the living organisms.

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