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Orit Gadiesh, Philip Leung, and Till Vestring, “The Battle for China’s Good-Enough Market,” Harvard Business Review 85 (September 2007), https://hbr.org/2007/09/the-battle-for-chinas-good-enough-market.


0,5 кг. – Прим. ред.


Shanzhai, или «бандит» – компания, процветающая за счет копирования и подделки электроники других брендов. – Прим. пер.


Marcus M. Keupp, Angela Beckenbauer, and Oliver Gassmann, “How Managers Protect Intellectual Property Rights in China Using De Facto Strategies,” R&D Management 39, no. 2 (March 2009): 211–224.


Согласно легенде, один норвежский рыболов всегда продавал своим покупателям свежую и бодрую сардину, но тщательно хранил секрет сохранности рыбы. После смерти рыбака выяснилось, что в большой бак с живыми сардинами он запускал сома, и сардины были вынуждены постоянно метаться, чтобы выжить. – Прим. пер.


Helen Perks, Kenneth Khan, and Cong Zhang, “An Empirical Evaluation of R&D-Marketing NPD Integration in Chinese Firms: The Guanxi Effect,” Journal of Product Innovation Management 26, no. 6 (2009): 640–651. Wai-sum Siu and Qiong Bao, “Network Strategies of Small Chinese High-Technology Firms: A Quantitative Study,” Journal of Product Innovation Management 25, no. 1 (2007): 79–102.


Mark J. Greeven, “Sources of Institutional Capability for Innovation in China’s Catching Up Economy: An Explorative Study,” in Quality Innovation: Knowledge, Theory, and Practices, ed. Chen Jin and Latif Al-hakim, 406–417 (Hersey, PA: IGI Global, 2014).


Steven Veldhoen, Bill Peng, Anna Mansson, George Yip, and Jian Han, “China’s Innovation Is Going Global: 2014 China Innovation Survey,” Strategy& and China Europe International Business School Center on China Innovation, 2014.


Steven Veldhoen, Bill Peng, Anna Mansson, George Yip, and Jian Han, “China’s Innovation Is Going Global: 2014 China Innovation Survey,” Strategy& and China Europe International Business School Centre on China Innovation, 2014.


Piter de Jong, Mark J. Greeven, and Haico Ebbers, “Getting the Numbers Right on China’s Actual Overseas Investment: The Case of the Netherlands,” Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 46, no. 1 (2017): 187–209.


Alberto Di Minin, Jieyin Zhang, and Peter Gammeltoft, “Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in R&D in Europe: A New Model of R&D Internationalization?” European Management Journal 30, no. 3 (2012): 189–203.


Héctor Hernández, Fernando Hervás, Alexander Tübke, Antonio Vezzani, Mafini Dosso, Sara Amoroso, Nicola Grassano, Alexander Coad, and Petros Gkotsis, “2015 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard,” Joint Research Centre – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Commission, Luxembourg, 2015, http://iri.jrc.ec.europa.eu/scoreboard15.html.


Mark J. Greeven and Wei Wei, Business Ecosystems in China: Alibaba and Competing Baidu, Tencent, Xiaomi, and LeEco (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2018).


“Huawei ‘Iron Triangle’: Lessons from Big Failures” (на китайском языке), Geonol Graduate School of Business, March 29, 2017, http://www.geonol.com/news/shownews.php?lang=cn&id=59.


“Disclose Huawei’s Strategic Collaborations with Global Leaders: Thirty-six Joint Innovation Centers” (на китайском языке), C114, дата посещения 8 июля 2017, http://www.c114.net/news/126/a974506.html.


Yong Hu, Yazhou Hao, and Des Dearlove, Haier Purpose: The Real Story of China’s First Global Super Company (London: Infinite Ideas, 2017). Перевод: Ху Юн, Хао Ячжоу. Эволюция Haier. От убыточного завода до глобальной суперплатформы. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2022.


Ye Wang, Donghui Teng, Cheng Huang, Jianguo Wang, and Xinming Wan, “Haier: Pioneering Innovation in the Digital World,” WIPO Magazine, August 2015, http://www.wipo.int/wipo_magazine/en/2015/04/article_0006.html.


“Hikvision to Establish R&D Center in Montreal and Research Institute in Silicon Valley,” SDM Magazine, accessed August 8, 2017, http://www.sdmmag.com/articles/93556-hikvision-to-establish-rd-center-in-montreal-and-research-institute-in-silicon-valley.


“Like Kong Ming’s Strategy Planning, Envision Smart Wind Power Products Ally with Dozens of Electric Power Groups” (на китайском языке), Science China, October 21, 2016, http://science.china.com.cn/2016-10/21/content_9104330.htm.


“Envision: Super Conductive Wind Turbine Does Not Compete in the Same Dimension with Traditional Wind Turbine” (на китайском языке), Energy Observer, September 25, 2015.


“Yili Still Has the No. One Market Share But with a Decreased Milk Powder Income” (на китайском языке), Sina Finance, March 31, 2017, http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/s/2017-03-31/doc-ifycwunr8323637.shtml.


Дополнительная информация на сайте http://www.foodvalley.nl.


Marina Peter, “From an Empa Laboratory to a Start-Up in China,” Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, September 23, 2011, https://www.empa.ch/web/s604/weihua-solar?inheritRedirect=true.


Mark J. Greeven, Ona P. Akemu, Tom Hoorn, and Marcel Kleijn, “Chinese Investments Strengthen the Dutch Innovation Systems” (на голландском языке), Dutch Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy, 2012.


“About Cheetah Mobile” (на китайском языке), Cheetah Mobile, дата посещения 8 августа 2017 г., http://www.cmcm.com/zh-cn/about.


Information based on reporting by TechNode, accessed May 5, 2017, http://technode.com/2017/05/05/china-funding-daily-may-4th-and-5th-power-banks-wearable-devices-and-mobile-iot.


“The Life-or-Death Battle of Startups, Where Is the Next Right Thing for musical.ly,” Jiemian, August 20, 2017, http://www.jiemian.com/article/1220817.html.


“Papaya Mobile Announces IPO on NEEQ for International Expansion,” TechNode, May 24, 2016, http://technode.com/2016/05/24/papayamobile-announces-ipo-neeq-international-expansion.


Dan Breznitz and Michael Murphree, Run of the Red Queen: Government, Innovation, Globalization, and Economic Growth in China (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011).


Хотя не все предприятия в Кремниевой долине следуют одному конкретному пути инноваций, в следующих книгах содержатся подробные отчеты: Elton B. Sherwin Jr., The Silicon Valley Way: Discover Forty-five Secrets for Successful Start-Ups, 2nd ed. (Energy House Publishing, September 9, 2010); AnnaLee Saxenian, Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996); William Draper III, The Startup Game: Inside the Partnership between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs (New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2012), перевод: Уильям Дрейпер. Стартапы: профессиональные игры Кремниевой

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