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Цель и средства. Политика США в отношении России после «холодной войны» - Джеймс Голдгейер

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Belton С. Was the July'98 Aid Diverted? // Moscow Times. — July 27, 2000.


Reddaway P. Is Chernomyrdin a Crook? // Post-Soviet Prospects. — Vol. 3. — August 1995. — P. 1-4; and. Aslund A. Russia's Sleaze Sector' // New York Times. — July 11, 1995. — P. A17.


Risen J. Gore Rejected CIA Evidence of Russian Corruption // New York Times. — November 23, 1998. — P. A8. Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 448, note 11, on the lack of concrete evidence about the memo.


Speaker's Advisory Group on Russia, Christopher Cox, chairman, Russia's Road to Corruption: How the Clinton Administration Exported Government Instead of Free Enterprise and Failed the Russian People (House of Representa tives, September 2000 (policy.house.gov/Russia [July 7, 2003]). Chapter 6 of this study is called «Bull****: Gore and Other Administration Policy Makers Systematically Ignore Evidence of Corruption of Their 'Partners'».


Помимо очерка Ллойда, перечень статей с тем же названием включает: Broder J. Who Lost Russia? // Salon. — September 1, 1998 (salon.com); Who Lost Russia? // Socialism Today. — No. 32. — October 1998; a special symposium of several authors under the title. What Went Wrong In Russia // Journal of Democracy. — Vol. 10. — April 1999. — P. 3-86; Soros G. Who Lost Rus sia? // New York Review of Books. — April 13, 2000. — P. 10; Who lost Russia? // New York Post. — September 24, 2000. — P. 56; Cage M. Looking Behind Potemkin's Wall: How American Policy Has Failed Russia. — Washington: Nixon Center Working Paper, October 2000; a book review by R. Kap lan called Who Lost Russia? // New York Times. — October 8, 2000. — Sec. 7. — P. 29.


Who Lost Russia? // New York Post. — September 24, 2000.


Ignatius D. Who Robbed Russia? // Washington Post. — August 25, 1999. — P. A17.


Weinberger С Historical Solutions Would Have Worked Better, remarks in «Who Lost Russia?» // Heritage Lectures. — No. 629. — January 8, 1999.


Lapidus G. Transforming Russia: American Policy in the 1990s. — In: Lieber R. Eagle Adrift: American Foreign Policy at the End of the Century (Longman, 1997). — P. 130.


U.S. — Russian Relations at the Turn of the Century (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2000). — P. 19-20.


Graham Т.Е. A World with Russia? paper presented at Jamestown Foundation Conference. — June 9, 1999. — P. 1.


См. также: Илларионов А. Как был организован российский финансовый кризис //Вопросы экономики. — № 11, ноябрь 1998. — С. 20-35; and Illarionov A. Russia and IMF, statements prepared for the General Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services, Hearing to Examine the Russian Economic Crisis and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Aid Package. — September 10, 1998. — 105 Cong. 2 sess. Западные специалисты приводили подобные аргументы, см.: Slay B. Russia and the IMF: Economic Choises and Political Will // Russian Business Watch. — Vol. 7 (Summer 1999). — P. 1, 16-20; McFaul M. Getting Russia Right // Foreign Policy. — No 117 (Winter 1999-2000) (www.foreignpolicy.com).


Hedlund, Russia and the IMF. — P. 104-136.


Simes D.K. Russia's Crisis, America's Complicity // National Interest. — No. 54 (Winter 1998-1999). — P. 12-22; Reddaway P. and Glinski D. The Tragedy of Russia's Reforms: Market Bolshevism against Democracy. — Washington: U.S. Institute of Peace, 2001.


On the first school, see Stone, Lending Credibility. On the second school, see: Aslund, Building Capitalism. On the third school, см.: Илларионов А. Инфляция и антиинфляционная политика.


The FDI figures were reported in Kahn and O'Brien, Easy Money: A Special Report.


Lapidus. Transforming Russia: American Policy in 1990s. — P. 130.


Simes D. After the Collapse: Russia Seeks Its Place as a Great Power (Simon and Schuster, 1999); Cohen S. Failed Crusade: America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist Russia (W.W. Norton, 2000).


Simes. Russia's Crisis, America's Complicity. — P. 12-22.


Blank S. Partners in Discord Only // Orbis. — Vol. 44 (Fall 2000). — P. 557-570.


David Lipton testimony before the House Banking General Oversight Committee and Investigation Subcommittee on Russia, 105 Cong. 2 sess. — September 10, 1998.


Talbott S. Gogol's Troika: the Case for Strategic Patience in a Time of Troubles, address at Stanford University. — November 6, 1998.


David Lipton, testimony before the House Banking General Oversight Committee and Investigation Subcommittee on Russia.


U.S. Policy toward Russia: Foundations, Achievements, and Continuing Agenda, document sent to McFaul from David Levy, National Security Council, Office of Public Affairs and Communications, September 17, 1999. — P. 2.


Lawrence Summers, testimony before House International Relations Committee on Russia, 105 Cong. 2 sess. — September 17, 1998.


Interview with Atwood.


Madeleine Albright, address to the U.S. — Russian Business Council, Chicago Illinois, October 2, 1998 and Lippman, Turmoil, Drift in Russia Prompts U.S. Policy Shift, Flexibility, Recognition of Limits Mark New Approach. — P. A27.


Summers L. The Global Stake in Russian Economic Reform, speech to the U.S. — Russia Business Council, April 1, 1997.


Lippman. Turmoil, Drift in Russia Prompts U.S. Policy Shift, Flexibility, Recognition of Limits Mark New Approach. — P. A27.


Madeleine Albright, address to the U.S. — Russian Business Council.


Talbott, Gogol's Troika: the Case for Strategic Patience in a Time of Troubles.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 286.


Tarnoff С U.S. Bilateral Assistance to Russia, 1992-2001. — In: Russia's Uncertain Economic Future, compendium of papers submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States (Government Printing Office, December 2001). — P. 381.


Interview with George Ingram.


U.S. Policy toward Russia Foundations, Achievements, and Continuing Agenda. — P. 2.


Madeleine Albright, address to the U.S. — Russia Business Council; and Albright address to Carnegie Endowment.


Strobe Talbott, deputy secretary of state, «Russia: Its Current Troubles and Its Ongoing Transformations», prepared testimony before the House International Committee, 106 Cong, 1 sess. — October 19, 1999. — P. 5.


Fisher S. What Went Wrong in Russia // Financial Times. — September 27, 1999. — P. 26.


Albright, address to the U.S. — Russia Business Council.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 287.


Excerpts from Clinton's Remarks: «You Have to Play by the Rules // New York Times. — September 2, 1998. — P. A10.


Talbott. The Russia Hand. — P. 286.


Albright, address to the U.S. — Russia Business Council; and interview with Lipton.


См.: Примаков Е. Восемь месяцев плюс, С. 129-144.


Interview with Talbott.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 296.


IMF Says Russia Managing Well without IMF Loans // Reuters. — September 8, 2000.


Aslund A. Go Long on Russia // International Economy. — July-August 2002. — P. 38-39. Серьезную критическую оценку долгосрочных уроков, извлеченных из событий августа 1998 года, см.: Gaddy С. and Ickes В., Russia's Virtual Economy (Brookings, 2002). — Chap. 9.


См. обобщенное изложение Путиным этих достижений в выступлении на встрече Всемирного экономического форума в России 30 октября 2001 г.


Aslund A. and Boone P. Russia's Surprise Economic Success // Financial Times. — October 9, 2001. — P. 13. On specific sectors, see: Further Expansion of Manufacturing Economy Recorded as Demand Rises Sharply // Moscow Narodny Purchasing Manager's Index. — May 1, 2001. — P. 1.


Brunswick UBS Warburg, Russia Equity Guide 2000/2001. — P. 21.


См., например, совпадающие оценки различных аналитиков в: Sapir J. The Russian Economy from Rebound to Rebuilding // Post-Soviet Affairs. — Vol. 17. — January-March 2002. — P. 1-22; Millar J. The Russian Economy: Putin's Pause // Current History. — October 2001. — P. 336-42; and Gaddy and Ickes. Russia's Virtual Economy' and Aslund, Building Capitalism.


Remarks by Stephen Sestanovich, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. — February 21, 2001.


RFE/RL, Newsline. — Vol. 5. — No. 229. — Part 1. — December 5, 2001.


Halberstam D. War in a Time of Peace: Bush, Clinton and the Generals (Scribner, 2001).


Интервью со Строубом Тэлботтом.


McFaul M. Russia's Many Foreign Policies // Демократизация. — Т. 7 (лето 1999 г.). — С. 393-412.


Mandelbaum M. A Perfect Failure // Foreign Affairs. — Vol. 78. — Septembe-October 1999. — P. 2-8; а также Nye J. Redefining the National Interest // Foreign Affairs. — Vol. 78. — July-August 1999. — P. 22-35.


Yeltzin B. Midnight Diaries, trans, by Catherine Fitzpatrick // Public Affairs, 2000. — C. 255.


Yeltsin, Midnight Diaries. — P. 225.


Дополнительно о причинах войны см.: Daalder I. H. and O'Hanlon M.E. Winning Ugly: NATO's War to Save Kosovo (Brookings, 2000).


Talbott S. The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy. — P. 300.


См.: Daalder I.H. and O'Hanlon M.E. Winning Ugly. — P. 45-49.


Ibid.; and Halberstam, War in a Time of Peace.


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