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Goldgeier, Not Whether but When. — P. 113; and Whitney C.R. NATO Says It Won't Base New Forces in the East // New York Times. — March 15, 1997. — P. A6.


Quoted in: Drozdiak W. Poland Urges NATO Not to Appease Russia: The Smell of Yalta Is Always with Us // Washington Post. — March 17, 1997. — P. A13.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 237.


On MIRVs, ibid. — P. 438. — Note 14.


Ibid. — P. 238.


Clinton and Yeltsin and How They Failed «Three Fundamental Challenges» // New York Times. — March 22, 1997. — P. A6. On Yeltsin, see: Stanley A. Yeltsin Tells Russians that Bending on the NATO Issue Paid Off // New York Times. — March 27, 1997. — P. A5. On Denver, see: Remarks by President Clinton and President Yeltsin in Photo Opportunity. Brown Palace Hotel, White House, Office of the Press Secretary (Denver), June 20, 1997; Press Briefing by the Press Secretary Mike McCurry, Deputy Director of the NSC Jim Steinberg, and Deputy Secretary Larry Summers. White House, Office of the Press Secretary, June 20, 1997; and Baker P. Industrial Powers Gather; In: Transition, Russia.Attends Denver Summit // Washington Post. — June 21, 1997. — P. Al.


Yeltsin B. Midnight Diaries. Translated by Catherine A. Fitzpatrick (Public Affairs, 1999). — P. 130.


Ibid. — P. 131.


Interviews with Sandy Berger, Lake and Lipton.


For Clinton public statements. See: Press Conference of the President Clinton and President Yeltsin, Kalastaja Torppa, White House, Office of the Press Secretary (Helsinki, Finland), March 21, 1997; on Baltic issue, see: Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 239-241.


Interview with John Bass.


Interviews with Jamie Shea and Talbott. On Primakov-Yeltsin and positions on military equipment, see also: Dobbs M. For Clinton, Sticking with Yeltsin Sealed Agreement on NATO // Washington Post. — May 27, 1997. — P. All.


The Founding Act as posted on the NATO website (www.nato.int).


Remarks by the President in Live telecast to Russian People, Ostankino TV Station, Moscow, Russia, White House, Office of the Press Secretary (Moscow Russia), January 14, 1994; Remarks by the President Clinton, French President Chirac, Russian President Yeltsin, and NATO Secretary-General Solana at NATO-Russia Founding Act Signing Ceremony. White House, Office of the Press Secretary (Paris, France), May 27, 1997.


For a survey, see: Stent A. Russia and Germany Reborn: Unification the Soviet Collapse, and the New Europe. — Princeton University Press, 1999. — P. 226-229, the Gaidar quote is on. — P. 227.


Аналогичную позицию см. в высказываниях Майкла Макфола и его заявлении в: Russia's Election: What Does It Mean? Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. 104 Cong. 2 sess. — July 10, 1996. — P. 19-21 and 57-67. Others did not, see: Reddaway P. Russia Heads for Trouble // New York Times. — July 2, 1996. — P. A15. Layard R. and Parker J. // The Coming Russian Boom: A Guide to New Markets and Politics. — Free Press, 1996. Намного раньше других предсказали экономический рост в России.


Talbott S. The End of the Beginning: The Emergence of a New Russia, address delivered at Stanford University. — September 19, 1997; and Talbott S. The Struggle for Russia's Future // Wall Street Journal. — September 25, 1997. — P. A22.


Talbott. The End of the Beginning.


McFaul M. Russia's Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin. — Cornell University Press, 2001. — Chap. 7; Clinton's remarks were posted at www.g7.utoronto.


American Foreign Policy Council, Russia Reform Monitor. — Washington, September 1997. — No. 308; and Gordon M. Russia Resists IMF's Strategy for Reducing Budget Deficit // New York Times. — May 16, 1998. — P. 3.


Kara H., Pinto В. and Ulatov S. An Analysis of Russia's 1998 Meltdown: Fundamentals and Market Signals. — Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. — Vol. 1 (2001). — P. 14.


Treisman D. Fighting Inflation in a Transitional Regime: Russia's Anomalous Stabilization // World Politics. — Vol. 50. — January 1998. — P. 235-265; and General Accounting Office. Foreign Assistance: International Efforts to Aid Russia's Transition Have Had Mixed Results, report to the House Committee on Banking and Financial Services, GAO-01-8 (November 2000). — P. 46.


Joint Statement on U.S. — Russia Economic Initiative. — March 21, 1997; Public Papers of the President, 1997. — Vol. 1 (Government Printing Office, 1997). — P. 345.


Gore-Chernomyrdin press conference. — September 23, 1997. U.S. Information Agency transcript.


U.S. to Push for Russia's Integration into WTO // Wall Street Journal. — April 1, 1997. — P. A5.


Fisher S. The Russian Economy: Prospects and Retrospects, address to the Higher School of Economics. — Moscow (Russia), June 19, 2001 (www.imf.org/ external/np/speeches/2001/061901.htm [July 2003]).


Fisher S. What Went Wrong in Russia // Financial Times. — September 27, 1999. — P. 26.


Summers L.H. The Global Stake in Russian Economy Reform, speech to the U.S. — Russia Business Council, April 1, 1997 (www.ustres.gov/press/release/ n-1578 [July 2003]).


См.: Fisher. What Went Wrong in Russia.


McFaul M. Russia's 'Privatized' State as an Impediment to Democratic Consolidation. — Part 2. Security Dialogue. — Vol. 29 (Summer 1998). — P. 219-236; and Hoffman D. The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia (Public Affairs, 2002). — P. 419.


Hoffman, The Oligarchs. — P. 433.


Ibid. — P. 437.


Илларионов А. Инфляция и антиинфляционная политика в: Красавина Л. Инфляция и антиинфляционная политика в России. — М.: Финансы и статистика, 2000. — С. 81-87; Коунов А., Алексашенко С. Битва за рубль. — М.: Алма-матер, 1999. — С. 236.


World Bank/IMF Agenda. World Bank Transition Newsletter. — Washington, December 1997.


Khara, Pinto, and Ulanov. An Analysis of Russia's 1998 Meltdown.


Woodruff D. Money Unmade: Barter and the Fate of Russian Capitalism. — Cornell University Press, 1999.


Российский статистический ежегодник. — 1997. — С. 535; and Gaddy C. Statement to the House Committee on International Relations. Hearings on U.S. — Russian Relations before House Committee on International Relations, 105 Cong. 2 sess., July 16, 1998.


Blasi J., Kriumova M. and Kruse D. Kremlin Capitalism: Privatizing the Russian Economy. — Cornell University Press, 1997.


Buckberg E. and Pinto B. How Russia Is Becoming a Market Economy. Unpublished manuscript. — September 1997.


After the Fall Was Over. Business Russia, June 1998. — P. 1 (Economist Intelligence Unit) (eiu.com); an Debra Javeline, Protest and Politics of Blame: The Russian Response to Unpaid Wages (University of Michigan Press, 2002).


Kahn J. and O'Brien T.L. Easy Money: A Special Report: For Russia and Its U.S. Bankers, Match Wasn't Made in Haven // New York Times. — October 18, 1998. — P. 1; and Khara, Pinto, and Ulanov. An Analysis of Russia's 1998 Meltdown. — P. 4.


Hoffman. The Oligarchs. — P. 470; Aslund A. Building Capitalism: The Trans formation of the Former Soviet Block. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. — P. 409; также: Деньги и кредит. — 1998. — № 10. — С. 43.


Hoffman, The Oligarchs. — P. 469.


Illarionov A. The Roots of the Economic Crisis // Journal of Democracy. — Vol. 10 (Spring 1999). — H. 75.


Stone R. Lending Credibility: The International Monetary Fund and the Post-Communist Transition. — Princeton University Press, 2002. — P. 153-158; Деньги и кредит. — 1998. — No 10. — С. 43; Алексашенко. Битва за рубль. — С. 109; and Russia's Challenges in the 1990s: An Interview with Martin Gilman of the IMF. — December 3, 2002 (www.washprofile.org).


Константинов Ю.А. и Ильинский А.И. Финансовый кризис: причины и преодоление. — М.: ЗАО «Финстатинформ», 1999. — С. 44; Попов В. Уроки валютного кризиса в России и других странах // Вопросы экономики. — Июнь 1999. — № 6. — С. 101. On the worldwide crisis, see Blustein P. The Chastening: Inside the Crisis that Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF (Public Affairs, 2001).


Freeland Ch. Sale of the Century. — P. 297; Алексашенко. Битва за рубль. — С. 108-110; General Accounting Office, Foreign Assistance International Efforts to Aid Russia's Transition Have Had Mixed Results. — P. 46; and Thornhill J. IMF and Russia in a New Loan Accord // Financial Times. — 1998. — July 8. — P. 2.


Stiglitz J. Globalization and Its Discontent. — Basic Books, 2002. — P. 145.


Cooper W. The Russian Financial Crisis: An Analysis of trends, Causes, and Implications, report for Congress 98-578. — February 18, 1999 (ncseonline.org/ NLE/CRSreports/international/inter-16.cfm [July 2003]).


См.: Илларионов А. Удалось ли Чубайсу обмануть президента России? // Известия. — 1998. — 21 марта; Илларионов А. «Эффективность» бюджетной политики в России в 1994-1997 годах // Вопросы экономики. — 1998. — № 2. — С. 22-36; and Illarionov A. Financial Crisis in Russia, presentation to Aspen Institute Conference. — Budapest, August 21, 1998.


Interview with Mark Medish. В период кризиса сторонники российских реформ на Западе придерживались аналогичных взглядов. См., например: Aslund A. Don't Devalue Ruble // Moscow Times. — July 7, 1998.


Интервью с Дмитрием Васильевым. Конечно, вопрос о том, были ли эти реформы, в первую очередь массовая приватизация, «успехом», требует отдельного рассмотрения. Точку зрения скептиков см.: McFaul M. State Power, Institutional Change, and the Politics of Privatization in Russia // World Politics. — Vol. 47 (January 1995). — P. 210-243; and Black В., Kraakman R. and Tarasova A. Russian Privatization and Corporate Governance: What Went Wrong? // Stanford Law Review. — Vol. 52 (July 2002). — P. 1731-1808.


Robbins C.A. and Liesman S. How an Aid Program Vital to New Economy of Russia Collapsed // Wall Street Journal. — August 13, 1997. — P. 1, 6.

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