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Цель и средства. Политика США в отношении России после «холодной войны» - Джеймс Голдгейер

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Ozga. Chronology. — P. 88.


Rosewicz B. Technology: Former Space-Race Rivals Poised to Launch Greater Cooperation; First U.S. Commercial Use of Russia's Mir Station to Be Pact's Centerpiece // Wall Street Journal. — September 2, 1993. — P. B6; Rosewicz B. Technology: U.S. And Russia May Join Forces on Space Station // Wall Street Journal. — September 3. — 1993. — P. B3; Clayton Jr. W.E. and Carreau M. U.S., Russia Agree to Joint Space Venture // Houston Chronicle. — September 3, 1993. — P. Al; Vartabedian R. and McManus D. U.S., Russia to Jointly Build Space Station // Los Angeles Times. — September 3, 1993. — P. A8; and Holmes S.A. U.S. and Russians Join in New Plan for Space Station // New York Times. — September 3, 1993. — Al.


Robbins C.A. and Rosewicz B. Reaching Out: U.S. Hopes to Move Moscow into the West through Deeper Ties; but Courting Russia's Elites in Military and Industry Entails Significant Risks — Helping Future Imperialists? // Wall Street Journal. — December 13, 1993. — P. Al. Interviews with Fuerth and Gottemoeller.


Interview with Boris Tarasyuk.


For elaboration, see Garnett S. Keystone in the Arch: Ukraine the Emerging Security Environment of Central and Eastern Europe. — Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1997. — Chap. 5.


Interview with Talbott; and John Buntin. Decision to Denuclearize: How Ukraine became a Non-Nuclear Weapons State. Kennedy School of Government Case Program, C14-98-1425.0. — P. 13.


Interview with Gottemoeller.


Segal L. Hang Separately: Cooperative Security between the United States and Russia, 1985-1994 (Century Foundation Press. 2000). — P. 251-262; Buntin. — Decision to Denuclearize. — P. 16-17; and interviews with Gottemoeller and Ashton Carter. The administration became publicly to emphasize it was changing the tone from sticks to carrots. See: Gordon M.R. With Aid, U.S. Seeks to Sway Ukraine on A-Arms, New York Times, June 4, 1993, p. A7.


Interview with Carter.


Goodby J. Europe Divided: The New Logic of Peace in the U.S. — Russian Relations. — Washington, U.S. Institute of Peace, 1998. — P. 80.


Interview with Talbott; and Talbott. The Russia Hand. — P. 80.


Interview wit Talbott; on Garmish meetings. See: Healy M. Aspin Proposes U.S. — Russian Joint Maneuvers // Los Angeles Times. — June 6, 1993. — P. Al; see also: Gordon M. R. Aspin Meets Russian in Bid to Take Ukraine's A-Arms // New York Times. — June 6, 1993. — P. 16; and Gordon M. R. Russians Fault U.S. on Shifting Ukraine's Arms // New York Times. — June 7, 1993. -P. Al. Анализ недовольства Грачева вмешательством США в то, что ему представлялось как чисто российско-украинская проблема, см.: Lapychak Ch. U.S. Changes Its Strategy to Help Ukraine Disarm // Christian Science Monitor. — June 9, 1993. — P. 2.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 83.


Sigal. Hang Separately. — P. 264.


Secto 17 049, Secretary's Meeting with Ukrainian President Kravchuk, October 25, 1993. Kiev, declassified May 11, 2000, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by the authors.


Secto 17 049, also Secto 17 045, Secretary's Meeting with Ukrainian Rada Leaders, October 25, 1993. Kiev, declassified May 11, 2000, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by the authors.


Sigal. Hang Separately. — P. 264; and Buntin. Decision to Denuclearize. — P. 20.


Interview with Talbott.


Talbott. The Russia Hand. — P. 109.


Interview with Talbott; and Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 109.


Buntin, Decision to Denuclearize. — P. 24-26; and Sigal. Hang Separately. — P. 264.


Buntin J. Epilogue: To Budapest and Beyond // KSG Case Program, С14-98-1425.1. — 1997. — P. 4


For background see: Beyrle J.R. The Long Good-Bye: The Withdrawal of Russian Military Forces from Baltic States, Pew Case Studies in International Affairs, case 371 (Georgetown University, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, 1996). Beyrle served on NSC staff from 1993 through 1995.


Beyrle, The Long Good-Bye. — P. 2-3.


Beyrle, The Long Good-Bye. — P. 6-7; коллега Бейрли по СНБ Николас Берне обсуждал интерес Лейка к Балтии в интервью с авторами. Краткий обзор некоторых проблем см.: Hokstader. Russia to Remove Troops from Estonia by Aug. 31 // Washington Post. — July 27, 1994. — P. A22.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 63; and Beyrle. The Long Good- Bye. — P. 7.


Interviews with Talbott and Burns.


Beyrle, The Long Good-Bye. — P. 7.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 443, note 3; interview with Talbott; and Beyrle, The Long Good-Bye. — P. 7-9.


Beyrle, The Long Good-Bye. — P. 8; and Talbott, The Russia hand. — P. 126.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. -P. 126.


Burns is quoted in Beyrle, The Long Good-Bye. — P. 9. О заявлении Клинтона по этому вопросу в Латвии см.: Press Conference by President Clinton, President Ulmanis of Latvia, and President Men of Estonia, Press Availability, State Room, Riga Castle, Riga, Latvia, White House, Office of the Press Secretary (Warsaw, Poland). — July 6, 1994.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 127.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 128; interview with Talbott; Farrell J.A. Yeltsin Makes Concessions on Baltic Security // Boston Globe. — July 11. — P. 8; and Beryle, The Long Good-Bye. — P. 9.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 126, 130.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 128.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 128.


Ibid. — P. 129; and interview with Talbott.


Interview with Nuland.


Соответствующие комментарии на этот счет российского министра иностранных дел Козырева см.: Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 158-159.


Дополнительно см.: Greenhouse S. Russia and China Pressed Not to Sell A-Plants to Iran // New York Times. — January 25, 1995. — P. A6; and Einhorn R.J. and Samore G. Ending Russian Assistance to Iran's Nuclear Bomb // Survi val. — Vol. 44 (Summer 2002). — P. 51-70; and Talbott, The Russia Hand — P. 158.


Interview with Talbott.


Lauter D. Yeltsin Pledges to End Arms Sales to Iran // Los Angeles Times. — September 29, 1994. — P. A12.


Kaplan F. Reactor Sale Adds to U.S. — Russia Strain // Boston Globe. — February 26, 1995. — P. 22.


Christopher W. In the Stream of History: Shaping Foreign Policy for a New Era. — Stanford University Press, 1998. — P. 253; and Williams D. and Lippman T.W. Christopher Charges Iran Continues Nuclear Program // Washington Post. — January 21, 1995. — P. All.


См.: Sciolino E. Congress Presses Russia, and Clinton, over Iran Deal // New York Times. — February 22, 1995. — P. A8; and Greenhouse S. Russia Insists Reactor Sale to Iran Is Firm // New York Times. — February 24, 1995. — P. 5.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 152-154; and interview with Coit D. Blacker.


Stephanopulos. All Too Human. — P. 329-330.


Interview with Dick Morris. См. также: Morris D. Behind the Oval Office: Getting Reelected against All Odds. — Los Angeles: Renaissance, 1999. — P. 250


Interview with Dick Morris; and Morris, Behind the Oval Office. — P. 250-251.


Interview with Poneman.


Greenhouse S. U.S. Gives Russia Secret Data on Iran to Discourage Atom Deal // New York Times. — April 2, 1995. — P. A9; and Erlanger S. Russia Says Sale of Atom Reactor to Iran Is Still On // New York Times. — April 4, 1995. — P. A1.


Christopher, In the Stream of History. — P. 267.


Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 159-160.


Sciolino E. Clinton and Yeltsin Seeking Common Ground for Talks // New York Times. — April 28, 1995. — P. A8.


Erlanger S. Summit in Moscow: The Overview // New York Times. — May 11, 1995. — P. Al; Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 161 and 445. — No 7; and remarks by President Clinton and President Yeltsin in a Joint Press Conference. — Moscow, May 11, 1995. — P. Al.


Dobbs M. Summit Seen as 'Failure' by Republicans on the Hill // Washington Post. — May 11, 1995. — P. A32; Broder J.M. and Williams C.J. Yeltsin Offers Minor Concessions to U.S. // Los Angeles Times. — July 1, 1995. — P. Al.


Erlanger S. Facing Threat in Parliament, Yeltsin Removes Three Ministers // New York Times. — July 1, 1995. — P. 1; and Boudreaux R. Russia Agrees to Stop Selling Arms to Iran // Los Angeles Times. — July 1, 1995. — P. Al.


Einhorn and Samore. Ending Russian Assistance to Iran's Nuclear Bomb. — P. 53; and Broder J.M. Despite a Secret Pact by Gore in '95, Russian Arms Sales to Iran Go On // New York Times. — October 13, 2000. Al. О деталях см.: Contracts Suspended with Iran that could be Renewed Outlined. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)-SOV-2000-1123. — November 23, 2000.


Broder J.M. Despite a Secret Pact by Gore in '95, Russian Arms Sales to Iran Go On // New York Times. — October 13, 2000. — P. Al.


Основополагающий акт о взаимоотношениях, сотрудничестве и без опасности между Российской Федерацией и Организацией Североатлантического договора. Май 1997 года.


Russia and the Threat of NATO (interview with Anatoly Chubais) // Time. — February 17, 1997. — P. 40.


О критике Партнерства ради мира (ПРМ) см. интервью с Козыревым in: Time. — July 1994. — P. 44-45. О критике хартии см.: Aron L. The Foreign Policy Doctrine of Post-Communist Russia and Its Domestic Context, in: Mandelbaum M. ed. The New Russian Foreign Policy. — New York, Council on Foreign Relations, 1998. — P. 47.

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