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Mowbray MS: Account roll of Robert Southwell, receiver general to John Mowbray, earl marshal, Michaelmas 1414-Michaelmas 1415: Microfiche MF1480, Gloucestershire Record Office. The original manuscript is at Berkeley Castle.

Nicolas: Nicholas Harris Nicolas, The History of the Battle of Agincourt (3rd edn repr., H. Pordes, London, 1971).

ODNB: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. by Colin Mathews and Brian Harrison (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004): online version: www.oxforddnb.com.

Pizan, BDAC: Christine de Pizan, The Book of Deeds of Arms and of Chivalry, ed. and trans. by Charity Cannon Willard and Sumner Willard (Pennsylvania State University Press, Pennsylvania, 1999).

POPC: Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, ed. by Sir Harris Nicolas (Commissioner of Public Records, 1834), vol. 2.

Powell: Edward Powell, Kingship, Law, and Society: Criminal Justice in the Reign of Henry V (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989).

St Albans: The St Albans Chronicle 1406–1420, ed. by V. H. Galbraith (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1937).

St-Denys: Chronique du Religieux de Saint-Denys, ed. by M.-L. Bellaguet (Crapelet, Paris, 1844), 6 vols. Strickland and Matthew Strickland and Robert Hardy, From Hastings to

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TNA: The National Archives, formerly The Public Record Office, at Kew, London.

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Vaughan: Richard Vaughan, John the Fearless (Longman, London and New York, 1966; repr. Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2002).

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II: Изданные первоисточники

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Commynes, Philippe de, Memoirs: The Reign of Louis XI 1461-83, ed. and trans. by Michael Jones (Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1972).

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Lannoy, Ghillebert de, Oeuvres de Ghillebert de Lannoy: Voyageur, Diplomate et Moraliste, ed. by Ch. Potvin and J.-C. Houzeau (P. and J. Lefever, Louvain, 1878).

"Le Livre des Trahisons de France envers la Maison de Bourgogne," in Chroniques Relatives à l'Histoire de la Belgique sous la Domination des Ducs de Bourgogne, ed. by M. le baron Kervyn de Lettenhove (Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1870), ii, pp. 1-258.

Marcel, Gabriel, Choix de Cartes et de Mappemondes des XIV et XV Siècles (Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1896).

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