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agreement – соглашение;

venture – смелое предприятие, осмеливаться;

to involve – вовлекать;

negotiation – переговоры;

to draft – проект, набросок;

to enforce – следить за соблюдением;

to avoid – избегать;

inquiry – запрос;

offer – предложение, предлагать;

order – приказ, заказ;

quotation – цена (продавца);

to reply – отвечать;

customer – потребитель, клиент;

consignment – партия;

approach – предложение, подход;

delivery – доставка;

insurance – страхование, страховка. Задание 2. Прочитайте тексты и переведите их письменно

Text. English business letters

Letter writing is an essential part of business communication. A cheque, a contract or any other business paper sent by mail should always be accompanied by a letter. The letter says what is being sent, so that the recipient should know exactly what you intended to send. It is a typical business letter called «routine».

A well arranged letter will make a better impression on the reader, thus good letters make good business partners.

Nowadays more and more agreements are made in English, for English is a universal business language. Joint ventures, bank loans, and trademark licenses are frequently written in English.

There are three stages of transactions involving business contracts: first – negotiation of terms, second – drafting documents reflecting these terms, and third – litigation (спор) to enforce or to avoid executing of these terms.

Business letters may be divided into official and semi-official. The first kind of letters is characteristic of those people working in business: an executive, a department manager, a salesman, a secretary or a specialist in business and technology. But also many people may want to buy something, to accept an invitation or to congratulate somebody – this is a kind of semi-official letters. The first kind of letters may in turn be subdivided into such groups as: inquiries, offers, orders, and so on.

Example 1. An inquiry letter

HOWARD & PRATTLadies' Clothing306, 3d AvenueChicago, 111. 60602


118 Regent Street

London WIC 37D


Gentlemen: 21 Oct, 2000

We saw your women's dresses and suits in your October catalogue. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our market.

Would you kindly send us your quotation for spring and summer clothing that you could supply to us by the end of January next.

We would require 2,000 dresses and suits in each of the sizes 10-14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16. Please quote c.i.f. Chicago prices.

Payment is normally made by letter of credit. Thank you for an early reply.

Very truly yours,




NOTES: In the first part of a letter there is a kind of introduction as a prospective customer approaches supplier for the first time, and it is from this part that we found out that the correspondents are engaged in textile industry.

The second part expresses request for detailed information about the goods in question, their prices and terms of possible transaction.

In this example we come across the abbreviation concerning the terms of delivery, that are commonly accepted in business world.

c. i.f. – cost, insurance, freight.

If consignment is to be delivered according to c.i.f., then the supplier insures the goods and pays for the whole delivery.

f. o.b. – free on board.

If consignment is to be delivered according to f.o.b., then the supplier pays for transportation to port, ship or air shipment and dispatch; and the customer pay» for onward transportation and insurance.

f. o.r. – free on rail.

It is the same as f.o.b., but for railway transportation. с & f – cost and freight.

If consignment is to be delivered according to с & f, then the supplier pays for the whole delivery and the customer – for insurance,

Example 2. The answering letter

JACKSON & MILES118 Regent StreetLondon WIC 37DUK


Ladies' Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 111. 60602

28 Oct, 2000

Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to make you an offer regarding our products in the size you require. Nearly all the mod responsible for making decisions and taking risks. To operate successfully you need to follow well defined instructions and you prefer work that is both regular and predictable. Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1 What is an essential part of business communication?

2 What should all business paper sent by mail be accompanied by?

3 What does the business letter say?

4 How is a typical business letter called?

5 Why is it important to make business letter well?

6 Why are more agreements, made in English?

7 What are three stages of transactions involving business contracts?

8 How may business letters be divided?

9 What do we call “a semi-official letters”?

2.2.7 Тексты для студентов специальности «Статистика» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

advertiser – рекламный агент;

prediction – прогноз;

opinion poll – опрос общественного мнения;

to depend on/upon – зависеть от;

to make a decision – принять решение;

to refer to – ссылаться на, обращаться;

to interpret – перерабатывать, объяснять;

treatment of data – обработка данных;

investigation – исследование;

representative – показательный, наглядный;

comprehensive – исчерпывающий;

to improve – улучшать;

raw data – сырые данные;

ballot – избирательный бюллетень;

item – единица совокупности;

to consider – рассматривать;

observation – наблюдение;

infinite – бесконечный;

finite – конечный;

to conduct – провести;

census – перепись населения;

to draw conclusion – сделать вывод;

to obtain – получать;

result – результат;

index – индекс;

report – доклад;

method – метод;

data – данные;

to collect – собирать;

to analyze – анализировать;

numerical – цифровой;

bureau – бюро;

accurate – точный;

gigantic – гигантский;

generalization – обобщение;

to select – выбирать;

to present – представлять;

graph – диаграмма;

chart – таблица. Задание 2. Прочитайте текст А переведите его письменно

Text A.

Anyone who listens to the radio, watches TV, reads newspapers, books, magazines can not help but be aware of statistics. Statistics appears in the claims of advertisers, in predictions of election results & opinion polls & in business reports. Every science depends to some extent upon gathering of data by statistical methods On the basis of statistics important decisions are made. Statistical techniques are used extensively in marketing, accounting, finance, international trade, economics, legislation, and other fields.

Statistics is the body of principles and methods that has been developed for collecting, analyzing, presenting and interpreting large masses of numerical data. Without statistical treatment of data there would be no way to put facts together to see what they mean.

The results of statistical investigations may sometimes be stated in a single sentence, as in weather forecasts. Usually they are organized in the form of numerical tables, graphs or charts.

Statistical data are usually collected in one of the following ways:

1) by consulting existing source of material, such as periodicals and newspapers, or reports from industries , government agencies and research bureaus;

2) by setting up a survey and collecting data at first hand from individuals or organizations;

3) by conducting scientific experiments, measuring or counting under controlled conditions.

Raw data must be collected in such a way that it is accurate, representative and as comprehensive as possible. Statistical treatment of data can not in any way improve the basic validity or accuracy of raw data.

The main aim of statistics is to find out something about population. A population, from a statistician's point of view, may consists of individuals- such as all the students in the Orenburg State University or all the inmates at Attica prison- or it may also consists of objects, such as all the automobiles produced by Ford company. A population may also consists of a group of measurements, such as all the heights of the basketball players in the NBA. Note that a population in the statistical sense of the word does not necessarily refer to people.

Usually it is not possible to gather data about all possible cases in a population. Some population are infinite. Others , though finite, are so large that it would take too much time or cost too much to collect data on each unit in them (e.g. Every ten years the United States government conducts census of the whole population of the USA, but it is a gigantic and costly undertaking.)

The statistician usually gets the information from a relatively small number of cases called sample! From the cases in the sample he/she makes generalizations about the whole population.

The cases in the sample must be representative of the whole population, otherwise the conclusion drawn from the sample would not be valid for the whole population.

The size of the sample is a factor too. Other things being equal, a larger sample is better than the smaller one. However, excellent results can be obtained with small samples that are properly set up. Most public opinion surveys are conducted on samples that are made as representative as possible by means of stratified sampling techniques. It is a special techniques of dividing country into various layers (strata). The aim of this techniques is to make proportions in the sample the same as in general population.

Basic to all sampling techniques is the idea of randomness. It means that any item of the population is equally likely to be included in to the sample. Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту А

1 Were does statistics appear?

2 Where are statistical techniques used?

3 How are the results of statistical investigations organized?

4 What ways are statistical data usually collected?

5 What is the main aim of statistics?

6 Is it possible to gather data about all possible cases in population?

7 What does the term “sample” mean?

8 When would the conclusion draw from the sample be valid for the whole population?

9 What kind of sample is better?

10 What does “randomness” mean?

2.3 Тексты III семестра

2.3.1 Тексты для студентов специальности «Юриспруденция» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

security – безопасность;

organs of inquiry – следственные органы;

to establish – установить;

to determine – определять;

to receive – получать;

for instance – например;

to commence – начинать;

preliminary – предварительный;

to detain – задерживать;

a suspect – подозреваемое лицо;

to testify – давать показания;

available – доступный;

persons in office – должностные лица;

to vest – облагать (полномочиями);

to safeguard – охранять;

procedure – процедура.

innocence – невиновность;

correct – правильное (решение);

testimony – показания;

the injured party – Потерпевшая сторона;

inquire – спрашивать, наводить справки;

exhibit – вещественное доказательство;

record – запись;

to request – запрашивать;

participant – участник;

erasure – исправления;

alteration – изменения;

to be aware of- знать;

relevant – относящийся;

at one's disposal – в … распоряжении.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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