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Banks in most countries are supervised by a central bank, such as the Bank of England in the United Kingdom, the Bundesbank in Germany, the Federal Reserve System in the United States and Central Bank in Russia.

There are many different types of bank, and the banking structure varies from one country to another. Banks can fall into the following categories:

Retail banks are often referred to as commercial banks. In addition to conventional banking services, such as the provision of chequing accounts, they deal in foreign exchange, issue credit cards, provide investment and tax advice, and sell financial products such as insurance. In the United Kingdom the biggest retail banks (by assets) are Barclays Bank, National Westminster Bank/Midland Bank, Abbey National Bank.

Merchant or investment banks act as intermediaries between investors and private or public concerns seeking medium to long-term funds, often acting as underwriters for an issue of shares. Increasingly they have played a fundamental role in advising on mergers and acquisitions, and on management buy-outs. In the United Kingdom, some of the longest established and best-known merchant banks are still privately owned.

Building societies were set up in the United Kingdom to take deposits in order to provide long-term loans (mortgages) to homebuyers. They are owned by their members (those who have deposited money with or borrowed money from them).

Savings Banks were set up with the aim of attracting small savers. They resemble retail banks in the services they provide.

Credit unions are the equivalents of savings banks, and are run as a cooperative nonprofit-making organization. Credit unions are widespread in the United States. France's biggest bank, Credit Agricole, is essentially a federation of more than 3,000 credit unions.

Universal banks are those, such as Germany's Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, and Commerzbank, which do everything that the above types of banks do. Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по текстам А, В

1 What is banking?

2 What kinds of banks there exist?

3 What are the depository institutions?

4 What are the vaults and safes for?

5 Why is it profitable to save money in banks?

6 How can the transfer of funds be done?

7 How can the customers gain access to their funds and use them?

8 What are loans to bank customers drawn on?

9 Do banks give the interest on savings accounts?

10 What does banking business consist of?

11 What are the aims of banks?

12 What are the types of banks?

13 Describe the activities of different types of banks.

2.2.3 Тексты для студентов специальностей «Маркетинг», «Таможенное дело», «Товароведение и экспертиза товаров» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

marketing – маркетинг, создание рынков сбыта или спроса;

goods and services – товары и услуги;

store – магазин;

advertising – реклама, рекламная деятельность;

consumer – потребитель;

distribution – распределение;

storing; storage – складирование, хранение;

product planning – планирование ассортимента изделий;

pricing – ценообразование;

promotion – содействие в продаже к-л. товара;

traffic – перевозки;

marketing research – исследование маркетинга;

market research – исследование рынка;

expensive – дорогой;

customer – покупатель, заказчик, клиент;

to make available – предоставлять что-либо;

merchandise – товары;

profit – прибыль;

commodity – товар;

competition – конкуренция;

retailer – розничный торговец;

target – цель;

feature – особенность, свойство;

quality – качество;

level – уровень;

to adjust – регулировать;

package – упаковка;

brand name – название марки (изделия);

warranty – гарантия;

advertising media – средства распространения рекламы;

billboard – рекламный шит;

to charge a price – назначать цену;

discount – скидка;

variable – переменный фактор;

sales promotion – стимулирование сбыта;

mix – структура, состав;

marketing mix – комплекс маркетинга offering – предложение;

blend – смесь, совокупность;

approach – подход. Задание 2. Прочитайте тексты А, В, С, переведите их письменно

Тext А. Marketing

Marketing is the process of creating a link between customers and products. Marketing affects almost every aspect of your daily life. All the goods and services you buy, the stores where you shop, and the radio and TV programs paid for by advertising are there because of marketing. You'll be a consumer dealing with marketing for the rest of your life. Marketing plays a big part in economic growth and development.

Marketing includes all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers. Sometimes it is called distribution. On the one hand, marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods and on the other hand, a series of decisions you make during the process of moving goods from producer to user.

Marketing operations include product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, selling, credit, traffic and marketing research.

The ability to recognize early trends is very important. Producers must know why, where, for what purpose the consumers buy. Market research helps the producer to predict what the people will want. And through advertising he attempts to influence the consumer to buy.

Marketing operations are very expensive. They take up more than half of the consumer's dollar. The trend in the USA has been to high mass consumption. The construction of good shopping centers has made goods available to consumers. It provided a wide range of merchandise and plenty of parking facilities.

Text B. The Four “Ps”

1 There are many possible ways to satisfy the needs of target customers. A product can have many different features and quality levels. Service levels can be adjusted. The package can be of various sizes, colors, or materials. The brand name and warranty can be changed. Various advertising media – newspapers, magazines, radio, television, billboards – may be used. A company's own sales force or other sales specialists can be used. Different prices can be charged. Price discounts may be given and so on.

2 With so many possible variables, the question is: is there any way to help organize all these decisions and simplify the selection of marketing mixes? And the answer is: yes.

It is useful to reduce all the variables in the marketing mix to four basic ones:

Product. Promotion. Place. Price.

It helps to think of the four major parts of a marketing mix as the four "Ps".

3 Exhibit 1 emphasizes their relationship and their common focus on the customer – "С".

The customer is not part of the marketing mix. The customer should be the target of all marketing efforts. The customer is placed in the center of the diagram to show this. The C stands for some specific customers – the target market.

4 The Product area is concerned with developing the "right" product for the target market. This offering may involve a physical good, a service or a blend of both.

5Place is concerned with getting the "right" product to the target market's Place. A product isn't much good to a customer if it isn't available when and where it's wanted.

6 The third P – Promotion – is concerned with telling the target market about the "right" product. Promotion includes personal selling, mass selling and sales promotion.

7 In addition to developing the right Product, Place and Promotion marketing managers must also decide the right Price after estimating expected customer reaction to possible prices. All four "P's" are needed in a marketing mix. In fact, they should all be tied together. They all are equally important.

Text C. Marketing Strategy Planning

Marketing strategy planning means finding attractive opportunities and developing profitable marketing strategies.

A marketing strategy specifies a target market and a related marketing mix. It is a "big picture" of what a firm will do in some market. Two interrelated parts are needed:

1 A target market – a fairly homogeneous (similar) group of customers to whom a company wishes to appeal.

2A marketing mix – the controllable variables the company puts together to satisfy this target group.

The importance of target customers in this process can be seen in Exhibit 2 where the customer – the "c" – is at the center of the diagram. The customer is surrounded by the controllable variables that we call the "marketing mix". A typical marketing mix includes some product, offered at a price, with some promotion to tell potential customers about the product, and a way to reach the customer's place.

Note that a marketing strategy specifies some particular target customers. This approach is called "target marketing" to distinguish it from "mass marketing". Target marketing says that a marketing mix is tailored to fit some specific target customers. In contrast, mass marketing means trying to sell to "everyone". Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по текстам А, В, С

1 What is marketing?

2 Does marketing play a big part in economic growth and development?

3 What operations does marketing include?

4 Are marketing operations expensive?

5 The marketing concept is a very important idea, isn’t it?

6 Which basic ideas are included in the definition of the marketing concept?

7 There are many ways to satisfy the needs of target customers, aren’t there?

8 What are the four basic variables in the marketing mix? 9 What is marketing strategy planning?

10 What two aspects are important for specifying a market strategy?

11 What control lable variables are necessary in the process of marketing strategy planning?

12 What is the difference between target marketing and mass marketing approaches?

2.2.4 Тексты для студентов специальностей «Экономика и управление на предприятии», «Менеджмент организации», «Государственное и муниципальное управление», «Управление персоналом» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

owner – собственник, владелец;

operator – владелец предприятия;

franchise – франшиза;

distribute goods – распространять (распределять) товары;

sell smth at retail – продавать в розницу;

management consulting – консалтинг по менеджменту;

preserve competition – сохранить конкуренцию;

prevent monopolistic control – предотвратить монополистический контроль;

benefits of competition – преимущества конкуренции;

incentive – стимул, побудительный мотив;

procurement assistance – материально-техническая помощь;

gross national product – валовой национальный продукт;

create new jobs – создавать новые рабочие места;

supply – снабжать, поставлять;

ownership – собственность;

retailing – розничная торговля;

wholesaling – оптовая торговля;

manufacturing – производство;

total assets – общая стоимость имущества, сумма баланса;

net worth – стоимость имущества за вычетом обязательств, собственный капитал (предприятия);

gross profits – валовая прибыль;

net profits – чистая прибыль;

payroll – платежная ведомость;

net receipts – чистая выручка, чистые доходы, чисты денежные поступления;

total sales – общий объем продаж, товарооборот;

return – возмещение, возврат; pl. возвращенный товар; возвращенные чеки, векселя;

allowances – начисления (например сумма накладных расходов;

keep records – вести учет;

tax – налог;

bank loan – банковская ссуда;

partnership – партнерство;

business premises – 1) торговое помещение; 2) помещение фирмы;

labour force – рабочая сила;

business failure – коммерческий крах;

profit – прибыль;

assets – активы, фонды, средства liabilities – пассивы;

денежные обязательства, долги;

earnings – 1) заработок pl.; 2) доход, прибыль, поступление;

advertising agency – рекламное агентство;

warehouse – склад;

оптовый магазин;

tangible – материальный;

intangible – нематериальный;

notes receivable – амер. векселя к получению;

cash – наличность;

equipment – оборудование;

real estate – недвижимость;

retail business – розничная торговля;

surplus – 1) излишек, избыток; 2) нераспределенная прибыль;

total receipts – общая сумма поступления;

bookkeeping – бухгалтерский учет;

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