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Parks M. and McManus D. Yeltsin Asks 805 Cut in Warheads for U.S., Russia // Los Angeles Times. — January 30, 1992. — P. Al.


Jehl D. and McManus D. Bush Hoping to Shore Up Yeltsin // Los Angeles Times. — January 31, 1992. — P. A5.


Hoagland J. Little Help for Yeltsin // Washington Post. — February 11, 1992. — P. A21.


Interview with Burns.


Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 625; statement issued by President Bush and Yeltsin, Camp David, Maryland, February 1, 1992. U.S. Department of State Dispatch. — Vol. 3. — February 3, 1992. — P. 78-79.


Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 64Iff; Segal, Hang Separately. — P. 236.


Senate Armed Services Committee, Dismantling of the Former Soviet Union's Nuclear Weapons. — February 5, 1992. — P. 2.


Buntin J. The Decision to Denuclearize: How Ukraine Became a Non- Nuclear Weapons State. С14-98-1425.0 (Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government Case Program, 1997). — P. 4-8; Segal, Hang Separately. — P. 254-255.


Interview with Carpendale.


Baker, Policy of Diplomacy. — P. 662-663.


See: Garnett S. Keystone in the Arch: Ukraine in the Emerging Security Environment of Central and Eastern Europe. — Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1997. — P. 72-76.


Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 665. Interview with Stephen Hadley; Buntin, Decision to Denuclearize. — P. 12.


Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 668-669; and Background Press Briefing on U.S. — Russian Summit, June 17, 1992.


Interview with Baker.


Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 669. Выделено в оригинале.


Interview with Carpendale.


Background Press Briefing on U.S. — Russian Summit, June 17, 1992; Sieff M. Baker Pursues Arms Deal on Eve of Yeltsin Visit. // Washington Times. — June 12, 1992. — P. A7.


Yeltsin remarks of June 16, 1992; and U.S. Department of State Dispatch. — Vol. 3. — June 22, 1992. — P. 484.


Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 670-671; see: U.S. Department of State Dispatch. — Vol. 3. — June 22, 1992. — P. 492-493.


For the most complete diagnosis of Russia's economic problems at the time, see Russian Economic Reform: Crossing the Threshold of Structural Change, a World Bank Country Study. — Washington: World Bank, 1992.


On the inheritance see: Aslund A. How Russia Became a Market Economy. — Brookings, 1995.


Interview with Brent Scowcroft.


Nasar S. How to Aid Russians Is Debated // New York Times. — January 20, 1992. — P. CI. See also: Brzezinski Z. A Premature Partnership // Foreign Affairs. — Vol. 73. — March-April 1994. — P. 67-82; Cohen A. Russian Imperialism: Development and Crisis. — Praeger Press, 1996.


Friedman T. Baker, on Hill, Passes Hat for Russia // New York Times. — May 1, 1992. — A3.


Gelb L. How to Help Russia // New York Times. — March 14, 1993. — P. 17.


Gorbachev M. Memoirs (Doubleday 1996). — P. 612.


Matlock J. An Autopsy on an Empire: The American Ambassador's Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union. — Random House, 1995. — P. 177-178.


Aslund A. How Russia Became a Market Economy. — P. 40; Allison G. and Blackwill R. America's Stake in the Soviet Future // Foreign Affairs. — Vol. 70. — Summer 1991. — P. 78-79, 95-97.


Beschloss M.R. and Talbott S. At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War. — Little, Brown and Company, 1993. — P. 385; and interview with Robert Zoellick. See also: Kissinger H. No Time for a 'Grand Bargain’ // Washington Post. — July 9, 1991. — P. A19.


Interview with Stanley Fisher; and Feldstein M. A Different Kind of 'Great Bargain' // Wall Street Journal. — July 9, 1991. — P. A18.


The history of these debates is chronicled in Padma Desai. From the Soviet Union to the Commonwealth of Independent States: The Aid Debate // Harriman Institute Forum. — Vol. 5. — April 1992. — P. 1-16.


Chernyaev. My Six Years with Gorbachev. — P. 362-363; Gorbachev M. Memoirs. — P. 608-617.


Об основной стратегии шоковой терапии см.: Aslund A. Post-Communist Economic Revolutions: How Big a Bang? — Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1992; Blanchard O., Boyco M., Dobrovski M., Dornbusch R. and Shleifer A. Post-Communist Reform: Pain and Progress (MIT Press, 1993); and Sachs J. Poland's Jump to a Market Economy (MIT Press, 1993).


Gaidar Y., Days of Defeat and Victory. — University of Washington Press, 1996.


Interview with Yegor Gaidar.


Fisher S. and Frenkel J. Macroeconomics Issue of the Soviet Reform // American Economic Review. — Vol. 82. — May 1992. — P. 41.


Относительно этого плана, разработанного экспертами главным образом на основе опыта Польши, см.: Lipton D. and Sachs J. Privatization in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland // Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. — No. 2 (1990). — P. 293-333; Aslund A. Post-Communist Economic Revolutions: How Big a Bang?; Sachs J. Poland’s Jump to the Market Economy.


Sachs J. Life in the Emergency Room // Williamson J. ed. The Political Economy of Policy Reform. — Washington: Institute for International Studies, 1994. — P. 504; Sachs J. Western Financial Assistance and Russia's Reforms // Islam Sh. and Mandelbaum M., eds. Making Markets: Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States. — New York, Council on Foreign Relations, 1993. — P. 143-175; Sachs J. Helping Russia: Goodwill Is Not Enough // Economist. — December 21 — January 3, 1992. — P. 104; Aslund A. Big Bang in Moscow // Newsweek. — September 2, 1991. — P. 58-64.


Russian Economic Reform: Crossing the Threshold, a World Bank Country Study. — Washington: World Bank, 1992. — P. 49; Nixon R. The Challenge We Face in Russia // Wall Street Journal. — March 11, 1992. — P. 14. См. также: Nixon R. Save the Peace Dividend // New York Times. — November 19, 1992. — P. A19; Peel Q. Kohl to Ask U.S. to Step Up Assistance for Moscow // Financial Times. — March 23, 1993. — P. 2; Williams F. Moscow Needs Own Marshall Plan // Financial Times. — April 14, 1993. — P. 8.


См.: Nasar S. How to Aid Russians Is Debated // New York Times. — January 20, 1992. — P. CI. See also: Kramer M. The Changing Economic Comp lexion of Eastern Europe and Russia: Results and Lessons of the 1990s. — SAIS Review (Summer-Fall 199). — P. 16-46.


Greenhouse S. Wrapping Up Big Russian Aid Package // Washington Post. — April 27, 1992. — P. A7; Bemstain J. Aid the Best Way Up? // Insight. — March 9, 1992. — P. 11.


Interviews with Andrew Carpendale.


Interviews with Dennis Ross and Robert Zoellick; and comments by Ross at manuscript review session at Brookings. — May 23, 2002.


Interviews with David Mulford and Peter Hauslohner.


Interview with Mulford; дискуссию относительно грядущего краха резервной системы: Gaidar. Days of Defeat and Victory. — P. 91, 112.


Interview with Mulford.




Interviews with Wethington, Mulford and Hauslohner. См. также пресс- конференцию Дэвида Малфорда. — October 3, 1991 (Lexis-Nexisj; Mulford's comments on the Russian energy sector at a Hearing before the Subcommittee on International development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy of the House Banking Committee, 102 Cong. 2 sess. — April 29, 1992. — P. 10 (В данной книге авторы цитируют информацию из материалов слушаний Конгресса, сообщений Federal News Service (fednews.com) или из lexis-nexis.com/ universe.)


Interviews with Mulford and Wethington.


Gaidar, Days of Defeat and Victory. — P. 119-20. См. также: review of Gaidar book by Jeffrey Sachs D. Russia's Tumultuous Decade: An Insider Remembers // Washington Monthly. — March 2000 (www.washingtonmonthly.com).


Sachs, Russia's Tumultuous Decade.


Neuman J. Arms Control Summit 'Relic' of Cold War // USA Today. - June 16, 1992. — P. Al.


Hearing on the Russian Application the World Bank before the House Banking Committee, 102 Cong. sess. — February 5, 1992. — P. 19.


Interview with Dennis Ross.


Bush G. and Scowcroft B. A World Transformed (Alfred A. Knopf, 1998). — P. 540.


Cholett D. Absent at the Creation? Decision-Making in the Bush administration and the Transformation of the Soviet Union, August-December 1991. — Cornell University, honors thesis. — April 1993. — P. 37-41.


Zoellick R.B. Relations of the United States with the Soviet Union and the Republics. Statement before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the House Foreign Relations Committee, 102 Cong. 1 sess. — October 2, 1991 // U.S. Department of State Dispatch. — Vol. 2. — October 7, 1991. — P. 746.


Interview with Victoria Nuland.


Интервью с Андреем Козыревым.


Interview with Gaidar.


Interview with Zoellick.


Cholett D. Absent at the Creation? — P. 73-74, 76-77; interview with Andrew Carpendale.


Baker III J. with DeFrank T.M. The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace 1989-1992 (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1995). — P. 524.


Ibid. — P. 535-536.


Baker, «America and the Collapse of the Soviet Empire: What Has to Be Done».




Interviews with Carpendale, John Hannah, Kenneth Juster; Chollet. Absent at the Creation?

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