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Simon, M., St Stephen and the Hellenists in the Primitive Church, Longmans 1958

Smalley, S. S., 'Diversity and Development in John', NTS, 17, 1970–71, pp. 276–292

Troger, K. W., hrsg., Gnosis und Neues Testament: Studien aus Religionswissenschaft und Theologie, Gütersloh 1973

Tuckett, C, Nag Hammadi and the Gospiel Tradition. Synoptic Tradition in the Nag Hammadi Library, T. & T. Clark 1986

Wedderburn, A. J. M., Baptism and Resurrection. Studies in Pauline Theology against its Graeco‑Roman Background, WUNT 44, Tübingen 1987

Wilson, R. M., Gnosis and the New Testament, Blackwell 1968

Yamauchi, E., Pre‑christian Gnosticism, Tyndale Press 1973

Глава XIII Апокалиптическое христианство

Barrett, С. К., The New Testament Background: Selected Documents, SPCK. 1956, pp. 227–55

Baumgarten, J., Paulus und die Apokalyptik, Neukirchen 1975

Beasley‑Murray, G. R., The Kingdom of God, Paternoster 1986

Brown, C, 'The Parousia and Eschatology in the New Testament', NIDNTT, 11, 1976, pp. 901–935

Bultmann, R., History and Eschatology, Edinburgh University Press 1957

Cohn, Ν., The Pursuit of the Millenium, Seeker & Warburg 1957

Collins, A. Y., Crisis and Catharsis. The Power of the Apocalypse, Westminster 1984

Collins, J. J., ed., Apocalypse. The Morphology of a Genre, Semeia 14, 1979

Collins, J. J., The Apocalyptic Imagination. An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity, Crossroad 1984

Cullmann, О., Christ and Time, 1946, ET SCM Press 21962

— Salvation in History, 1965, ET SCM Press 1967

Davies, W. D., 'Apocalyptic and Pharisaism', ExpT 59, 1947–48, pp. 233–237, reprinted in Christian Origins and Judaism, Carton, Longman & Todd 1962, pp. 19–30

Fiorenza, E. S., The Book of Revelation. Justice and Judgment, Fortress 1985

Funk, R. W., ed., Apocalypticism, JThC, 6, 1969

Grösser, Ε., Die Naherwartung Jesu, Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 61, 1973

Hanson, P. D., The Dawn of Apocalyptic. The Historical and Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology, Fortress 1975, 21979

Hellholm, D., ed., Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East, Tübingen 1983

Jewett, R., The Thessalonian Correspondence. Pauline Rhetoric and Millenarian Piety, Fortress 1986

Kasemann, E., 'The Beginnings of Christian Theology' (1960), 'On the Subject of Primitive Christian Apocalyptic' (1962), NTQT, chs 4 and 5, also in Funk, Apocalypticism

Keck, L. E., 'Paul and Apocalyptic Eschatology', Interpretation 38, 1984, pp. 229–41

Koch, K., The Rediscovery of Apocalypitic, 1970, ET SCM Press 1972

Kümmel, W. G., Promise and Fulfllent, 31956, ET SCM Press 21961

Laws, S., 'Can Apocalyptic be Relevant?' What about the New Testament? Essays in Honour of Christopher Evans, ed., M. Hooker and C. Hickling, SCM Press 1975, pp. 89–102

Marshall, 1. H., 'Is Apocalyptic the Mother of Christian Theology?', Tradition and Interfire‑tation in the New Testament, E. E. Ellis Festschrift, ed. G. F. Hawthorne, Eerdmans 1987, pp. 33–42

Moltmann, J., Theology of Hope, 51965, ET SCM Press 1967

Moore, A. L., The Parousia in the New Testament, SNT, XIII, 1966

Morris, L., Apocalyptic, Tyndale Press 1973

Pannenberg, W., Revelationas History, 1961, ET Macmillan 1968

Robinson, J. A. T., Jesus and his Coming, SCM Press 1957

Rollins, W. G., 'The New Testament and Apocalyptic', NTS, 17, 1970–71, pp. 454–476

Rowland, C, The Open Heaven. A Study of Apocalypitic in Judaism and Early Christianity, SPCK 1982

Rowley, H. H., The Relevance of Apocalyptic, Lutterworth 1944, 31963

Russell, D. S., The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic, SCM Press 1964

Schmithals, W., The Apocalyptic Movement: Introduction and Interpretation, 1973, ET Abingdon 1975

Schnackenburg, R., God's Rule and Kingdom, 1959, ET Herder 1963

Schweitzer, Α., The Quest of the Historical Jesus, ET A. & C. Black 1910, third edition 1954

Vielhauer, P., et al., in Hennecke, Apocrypha II, Part С

Wiews, J., Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, 1892, ET SCM Press 1971

Глава XIV Ранняя кафоличность

Barrett, С. К.., Luke the Historian in Recent Study, Epworth 1961; Fortress Facet Book 1970

— New Testament Essays, SPCK 1972, chs 5–7

Batiffol, P., Primitive Catholicism, 51911, ET Longmans 1911

Bauer, W. and Hornschuh, M., in Hennecke, Apocrypha, II, pp. 35–87

Brown, R. E., Donfried, К- P., and Reumann. J., Peter in the New Testament, Chapman 1974

Conzelmann, H., The Theology of St Luke, 1953 21957, ET Faber & Faber 1961

Cullmann, O., Peter: Disciple, Apostle, Martyr, 1952 4960, ET SCM Press 21962

Dräne, J. W., 'Eschatology, Ecclesiology and Catholicity in the New Testament', ExpT, 83, 1971–72. pp. 180–184

Ehrhardt, Α., The Apostolic Ministry, SJT, Occasional Papers no. 7,1958

Elliott, J. Η., Ά Catholic Gospel: Reflections on "Early Catholicism" in the New Testament', CBQ, 31, 1969, pp. 213–233

Flus, Ε. E., Eschatology in Luke, Fortress Facet Book 1972

Fuller, R. H., 'Early Catholicism. An Anglican Reaction to a German Debate', Die Mitte des Neun Testaments, Ε. Schweizer Festschrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Göttingen 1983, pp. 34–41

Gasque, W. W., A History of the Criticism of the Acts of the Apostles, Tübingen 1975, Eerdmans 1975

Goppelt, L., 'The Existence of the Church in History according to Apostolic and Early Catholic Thought', CWTI, pp. 193–209

Grässer, Ε., Das Problem der Parusieverzögerung in den synoptischen Evangelien und in der Apostelgeschichte, Berlin 1957, 21960

Hahn, F., 'Das Problem des Frühkatholizisrnus', and 'Frühkatholizimus als ökumensiches Problem', Exegetische Beiträge zum ökumenischen Gespräch, Göttingen 1986, pp. 39–56 and 57–75

Holmberg, В., Paul and Power. The Structure of Authority in the Primitive Church as Reflected in the Pauline Epistles, CWK. Gleerup 1978

Karrer, O., Peter and the Church: an Examination of Cullmann's Thesis, ET Herder 1963

Käsemann, Ε., 'The Disciples of John the Baptist in Ephesus' (1952), 'An Apologia for Primitive Christian Eschatology' (1952), ENTT, chs VI and VIII

— 'Paul and Early Catholicism' (1963), NTQT, pp. 236–251

— The Testament of Jesus, 1966, ET SCM Press 1968, chs III and IV

Keck, L. E. and Martyn, J. L., ed., Studies in Luke Acts, Abingdon 1966; SPCK 1968

Kümmel, W. G., 'Current Theological Accusations against Luke' (1970), ET in Andover Newton Quarterly, 16, 1975–76. pp. 131–145

Küng, Η., Structures of the Church, ET Burns & Dates 1965, pp. 135–151

Luz, U., 'Erwägungen zur Entstehung des "Frühkatholizismus". Eine Skizze'. ZNW 65, 1974, pp. 88–111

MacDonald, D. R., The Legend and the Apostle. The Battle for Paul in Story and Canon, Westminster 1983

MacDonald, M. Y., The Pauline Churches. A Socio‑historical study of institutionalization in the Pauline and Deutero‑Pauline writings, SNTSMS 60, Cambridge University 1988

Maddox, R., The Purpose of Luke‑Acts, T. & T. dark 1982

Marshall, 1. H., '"Early Catholicism" in the New Testament', New Dimensions in New Testament Study, ed., R. N. Longenecker and M. G. Tenney, Zondervan 1974, pp. 217–231

Mattill, A. J., 'The Purpose of Acts: Schneckenberger Reconsidered', Apostolic History and the Gospel: Biblical and Historical Essays Presented to F. F. Bruce, ed., W. W. Gasque and R. P. Martin, Paternoster 1970, pp. 108–122

Neufeld, Κ. H., '"Frühkatholizismus" — Idee und Begriff, ZKT, 94, 1972, pp. 1–28

Schulz, S., Die Mitte der Schrift: der Frühkatholizismus im Neuen Testament als Herausforderung an die Protestantismus, Stuttgart 1976

Sohm, R., Wesen und Ursprung des Katholiysmus, 21912, Darmstadt 1967

Strecker, G., 'Frühkatholizismus', Du Johanmsbriefe, KEK, Göttingen 1989, pp. 348–354

Troeltsch, E., The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches, 1911, ET Alien & Unwin 1931, pp. 89–200

Weiss, H. — F., '"Frühkatholizismus" im Neuen Testament? Probleme un Aspekte', in J. Rogge & G. Schule, hrsg., Frühkatholilzmus im ökumenischen Gespräch, Berlin 1983, pp. 9–26 Werner, M., The Formation of Christian Dogma, 1941, ET А. & C. Black 1957

Глава XV Авторитет Нового Завета

Aland, К., The Problem of the New Testament Canon, Contemporary Studies in Theology 2, Mowbray 1962

Barr, J., Old and New in Interpretation, SCM Press 1966

— The Bible in the Modern World, SCM Press 1973

Barrett, С. K., 'The Centre of the New Testament and the Canon', Du Mitte des Neuen Testaments. Einheit and Vielfalt neutestamentlicher Theologie, E. Schweizer Festschrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Göttingen 1983, pp. 5–21

Best, E., 'Scripture, Tradition and the Canon of the New Testament', BJRL 61,1979, pp. 258–289

Brown, R. E., The Critical Meaning of the Bible, Chapman 1982

— Biblical Exegesis and Church Doctrine, Chapman 1985

Bruce, F. F., 'New Light on the Origins of the New Testament Canon', New Dimensions in New Testament Study, ed., R. N. Longenecker and M. C. Tenney, Zondervan 1974, pp. 3–18

— 'Some Thoughts on the Beginning of the New Testament Canon', BJRL 65,1983, pp.37–60

Campenhausen, H., von, The Formation of the Christian Bible, 1968, ET A. & C. Black 1972

Childs, В. S., The New Testament as Canon. An Introduction, SCM Press 1984

Cullmann, O., 'The Plurality of the Gospels as a Theological Problem in Antiquity' (1945), 'The Tradition' (1953), The Early Church: Historical and Theological Studies, ET SCM Press 1956, pp. 39–54, 75–99

Dodd, С. H., The Authority of the Bible, Nisbet 1929

Doty, W. G., Contemporary New Testament Interpretation, Prentice‑Hall 1972

Dungan, D. L., 'The New Testament Canon in Recent Study', Interpretation, 29, 1975, pp. 339–351

Dunn, J. D. G., The Living Word, SCM Press/Fortress 1987

Dunn, J. D. G. and Mackey, J. P., New Testament Theology in Dialogue, SPCK/Westminster 1987

Farmer, W. R. and Farkasfalvy, D. M., The Formation of the New Testamant Canon, Paulist 1983

Fazekas, L., 'Kanon im Kanon', TZ 37, 1981, pp. 19–34

Gamble, H. Y., The New Testament Canon. Its Making and Meaning, Fortress 1985

Hahn, F., 'Die Heilige Schrift als älteste christliche Tradition und als Kanon', Exegetische Beiträge zum ökunlenischen Gespräch, Gottingen 1986, pp. 29–39

Hanson, P. D., The Diversity of Scripture. A Theological Interpretation, Fortress 1982

Kasemann, E., 'Is the Gospel Objective?' (1953), 'The Canon of the New Testament and the Unity of the Church' (1951), ENTT, pp. 482, 95–107

— 'Thoughts on the Present Controversy about Scriptural Interpretation' (1962), NTQT, pp. 260–85

— ed., Das New Testament als Kanon, Göttingen 1970

Kelsey, D. H., The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology, Fortress and SCM Press 1975

Küng, H., '"Early Catholicism" in the New Testament as a Problem in Controversial Theology', The Living Church, ET Sheed & Ward 1963, pp. 233–293, (published in USA under the title The Council in Action: Theological Reflétions on the Second Vatican Council) Lönning, I., 'Kanon im Kanon '. Zum dogmatischen Grundlagenproblem des neutestamentliehen Kanow, Oslo 1972

Marxsen, W., The New Testament as the Church 's Book, 1966, ET Fortress 1972

Meade. D. G., Pseudonymity and Canon. An Investigation into the Relationship of Authorship and Authority in Jewish and Earliest Christian Tradition, Tübingen/Eerdmans 1986

Mildenberger, F., 'The Unity, Truth and Validity of the Bible', Interpretation, 29, 1975, pp. 391–405

Murray, R., 'How did the Church determine the Canon of Scripture?', Heythrop Journal, 11, 1970. pp. 115–26 Nineham, D. E., The Use and Abuse of the Bible, Macmillan 1976

Ogden, S. M., 'The Authority of Scripture for Theology', Interpretation, 30, 1976, pp. 242–261

Pannenberg, W., Basic Questions in Theology, Vol. 1, 1967, ET SCM Press 1970 Pedersen, S., 'Die Kanonfrage als historisches und theologisches Problem'. Stadia Theologica 21,1977, pp. 83–136

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