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Ящик. Как грузовой контейнер сделал мир меньше, а мировую экономику больше - Марк Левинсон

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1987, pp. 17–18.

332 Erie, Globalizing L.A., p. 89; Walter Hamshar, «Must U.S. Approve All Pier Leases», Herald Tribune, April 5, 1964.

333 Nutter, «The Port of Oakland», p. 82; Rosenstein, «The Rise of Maritime Containerization», pp. 98–104.

334 Ting-Li Cho, «A Conceptual Framework for the Physical Development of the Port of Seattle», Port of Seattle Planning and Research Department, April 1966, p. 15; Arthur D. Little, Inc., Community Renewal Programming: A San Francisco Case Study (New York, 1966), p. 34.

335 Rosenstein, «The Rise of Maritime Containerization», pp. 65 and 85–86; Worden, Cargoes, 148; Nutter, «The Port of Oakland», pp. 112, 120; Port of Oakland, «1957 Revenue Bonds, Series P, $20,000,000», October 17, 1978, p. 15; Erie, Globalizing L.A., p. 90; Seattle Port Commission, «Container Terminals 1970–1975: A Development Strategy», November 1969, pp. 1, 10.

336 Burke, A History of the Port of Seattle, pp. 116, 122; Erie, Globalizing L.A., pp. 85–89; Minor, Pacific Gateway, p. 53; Fitzgerald, «A History of Containerization», pp. 91–93; Niven, American President Lines, pp. 250–251; Nutter, «The Port of Oakland», p. 84.

337 U.S. Department of Commerce, Marad, «Review of United States Oceanborne Trade 1966» (Washington, DC, 1967), p. 11.

338 Executive Office of the President, Economic Stabilization Program, Pay Board, «East and Gulf Coast Longshore Contract», May 2, 1972.

339 Alan F. Schoedel, «Boston Talks in Deadlock», JOC, June 29, 1966, and «No Progress Reported in Boston Port Dispute», JOC, November 22, 1966.

340 John R. Immer, Container Services of the Atlantic, 2nd ed. (Washington, DC, 1970), chaps. 14 and 15; Philadelphia Maritime Museum, «Delaware Riever Longshoremen Oral History Project: Background Paper», Vertical File, ILA Local 1291, Tamiment Labor Archive, New York University; Longshore News, December 1969; Charles F. Davis, 2Ports of Philadelphia Posts Impressive Record2, JOC, February 5, 1970; Bremer Ausschuß für Wirtschaftsforschung, Container Facilities and Traffic in 71 Ports of the World Midyear 1910 (Bremen, 1971).

341 Matson Research Corporation, The Impact of Containerization on the U.S. Economy(Washington, DC, 1970), 1:88–98.

342 Robert J. McCalla, «From ‘Anyport’ to ‘Superterminal’», in Shipping and Ports in the Twenty-first Century, ed. David Pinder and Brian Slack (London, 2004), pp. 130–134; U.S. Department of Commerce, Marad, «Containerized Cargo Statistics Calendar Year 1974» (Washington, DC, 1974), p. 7; Austin J. Tobin, «Political and Economic Implications of Changing Port Concepts», in Schenker and Brockel, Port Planning and Development, p. 269. О кратковременном пребывании Ричмонда в роли контейнерного порта смотрите John Parr Cox, «Parr Terminal: Fifty Years of Industry on the Richmond Waterfront», interview by Judith K. Dunning (Berkeley, 1992), pp. 181–18.

343 PNYA, Via – Port of New York, Special Issue: Transatlantic Transport Preview (1965): 12–16.

344 Anthony G. Hoare, «British Ports and Their Export Hinterlands: A Rapidly Changing Geography», Geografiska Annaler, Series B. Human Geography 68, no. 1 (1986): 30–32; Fairplay, September 14, 1967, p. 5.

345 Wilson, Dockers, pp. 137, 309.

346 Там же, pp. 181–191; Anthony J. Tozzoli, «Containerization and Its Impact on Port Development», Journal of the Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 98, no. WW3 (1972): 335; Fairplay, May 16, 1968, p. 51.

347 McKinsey & Company, «Containerization: The Key to Low-Cost Transport», June 1967; A. D. Little, Containerisation on the North Atlantic, p. 61; Turnbull, «Contesting Globalization», pp. 367–391.

348 «Developments in London», Fairplay, November 17, 1966, p. 29.

349 Wilson, Dockers, p. 239; J. R. Whittaker, Containerization (Washington, DC, 1975), pp. 35–42.

350 Wilson, Dockers, p. 152; Fairplay, July 18, 1968, p. 9.

351 Беседа с Моррисоном, COHP; «UK Dockers Accept Pay Offer», JOC, March 23, 1970; Edward A. Morrow, «‘Intermodal’ Fee Stirs a Dispute», NYT, April 8, 1968; «Shipping Events: Inquiry Barred», NYT, July 26, 1968.

352 Hoare, «British Ports», pp. 35–39; D. J. Connolly, «Social Repercussions of New Cargo Handling Methods in the Port of London», International Labour History 105 (1972): 555. Конноли обвиняет «использование технологий обработки грузов» в «упадке традиционных портовых сообществ и, соответственно, в ухудшении социальной жизни затронутых докеров», стр. 566.

353 Turnbull, «Contesting Globalization», pp. 387–388; Wilson, Dockers, pp. 243–244; Fortune, November 1967, p. 152.

354 Bremer Ausschuß für Wirtschaftsforschung, Container Facilities, pp. 48–51.

355 National Ports Council, Container and Roll-On Port Statistics, Great Britain, 1911: Part 1 (London, 1971), p. 31; National Ports Council, Annual Digest of Port Statistics 1974, Vol. 1 (London, 1975), Table 41; Henry G. Overman and L. Alan Winters, «The Geography of UK International Trade», Working Paper CEPDP0606, Centre for Economic Performance, London, January 2004. Данные Овермана и Винтерса были пересчитаны, чтобы исключить долю торговли, приходящуюся на авиаперевозки.

356 Fairplay, April 3, 1975, p. 15, and April 17, 1975, p. 56; National Ports Council, Annual Digest. Оверман и Винтерс приписывают перемены в работе портов изменившейся схеме британской торговли после 1973 года и пренебрегают влиянием контейнеризации на рост и спад конкретных портов. Смотрите также Whittaker, Containerization, p. 33, and UK Department for Transport, «Recent Developments and Prospects at UK Container Ports» (London, 2000), Table 4. Department for Transport, Transport Statistics Report: Maritime Statistics 2002 (London, 2003), Table 4.3. Последняя показывает данные по тоннажу за 1965 год для 68 британских портов, но сведений для Филикстоу нет.

357 Беседа с Катимсом, COHP.

358 Jane’s Freight Containers, p. 324; A. G. Hopper, P. H. Judd, and G. Williams, «Cargo Handling and Its Effect on Dry Cargo Ship Design», Quarterly Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects 106, no. 2 (1964).

359 Bremer Ausschuß für Wirtschaftsforschung, Container Facilities; Fairplay, October 5, 1967.

360 Jane’s Freight Containers, pp. 303–309; Jane’s Freight Containers 1969–70, pp. 175–194; Daniel Todd, «The Interplay of Trade, Regional and Technical Factors in the Evolution of a Port System: The Case of Taiwan», Geografiska Annaler, Series B. Human Geography 75, no. 1 (1993): 3–18.

361 Port of Singapore Authority, Reports and Accounts, 1964 and 1966.

362 Port of Singapore Authority, A Review of

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