The only right way - Vadim Platun

- Категория: Маркетинг, PR, реклама / Прочая религиозная литература / Эзотерика
- Название: The only right way
- Автор: Vadim Platun
Vadim Platun
The only right way
It is inherent in every human being to evolve, to change, be it intellectually, physically, or spiritually. Everything in a person changes with time, with age. Everything takes years.
This work is written during a period of transformation in personal development that is in everyone's life. It is about one aspect of life, and at the same time, it is about all of life, because without exaggeration this aspect affects absolutely everything. Some people try to quickly close their eyes to this phase and go back to their old lives, turning around periodically. Some either come to terms with this time and live in this stage for the rest of their lives, or they cling to it and evolve in it. This is the main period of life that each person has in his own time. Some have it earlier, some later.
This book is for everyone, regardless of their position in society, age, or religious affiliation. And I'm sure it will prepare people for this most important stage of life, or help them when they are in it. This work will motivate those who have decided not to turn a blind eye to this time, but on the contrary, to improve in their development.
This publication should be perceived as a reflection through simple logic and analysis of the facts of life, based on my own experience and acquired knowledge, which allows one to prove the obvious existence of the only right way. What that path is, you will find out by reading the book in its entirety. Living your life on this path, you will never make a mistake, but you will live your best life.
This book is a philosophical and logical inference on how to become truly happy by living the only right way.
Alpha and Omega
One day the thought of death comes to everyone. The thought that one day everything will end.
This thought also visited me and did not let go for a long time. Eventually, I got tired of it and wanted to stop these negative thoughts. But how? I didn't want to put them out of my mind, and I couldn't. I realized that the end is inevitable, and why not think more deeply, maybe I would understand something and accept everything as it is, throwing away all the negativity. Since these thoughts, which only brought inner apathy, became so intrusive, I came to the conclusion that the only way to get rid of them was to try to understand them logically, without resorting to emotions and any spiritual theories, prejudices, and the like (although I have trusted in God since childhood — it's a family thing), using only the real mind and simple human logic.
What do we have in the real world we live in? First of all — myself, secondly — my family and all the people on Earth, finally — the whole Earth and everything on it and in it, the cosmos and everything in it, and beyond that. And beyond the Earth and the cosmos, I don't know what there is. I only know that everything I have listed, that is, everything that exists and that I can realize, is material. There may be immaterial, but there is no evidence for that as we understand it.
All of the above comes from some reaction at some point. We humans are from humans, plants are from plants, planets are from other major planets, and so on. This is obvious to everyone today. But how did the first humans arise from whom all others arose? From apes? Or from aliens? How did the first animals arise? From their dinosaur ancestors? Insects, continents, planets — all came from something before, much before, and that which was much before also came from something. And that also came from something. And this chain can be continued endlessly. And it doesn't matter whether we originated from an ape or aliens, or whether we were created by a big mighty man. And the monkey and the aliens and the mighty man all came from somewhere, didn't they?
After all, even a microbe, even a molecule, even an atom, the most elementary particles known to mankind, somehow came into being. From nothing?
Even if there was nothing in the beginning, and if everything is from nothing, then nothing is material, and it also came from somewhere, or someone created it, so the chain is not closed.
But nothing is not material; nothing can come from nothing. Even the only thing that is infinite and eternal in our perception — time — is an illusion, that is, created by someone. For what is time? Time is motion. Stop everything around us, freeze everything, and time disappears. So it is not eternal, and it appeared somehow. Accordingly, time is impossible without space, just as motion is impossible without space. This shows that space is primary, it is material, so it did not appear by itself.
And it means that there could not always have been an atom, there could not have been an alien, a monkey, or a big man. Or could there have been somebody? And this is where the impasse comes in. It's clear that there's always something or someone that everything came from! This is the only correct answer.
However, it does not fit with the real perception of the world of most people and it does not fit with reality and modern scientific data. We are limited, so why is it that our insignificance and our limitation do not occur to us? The example of the above definition of time, which is eternal to human beings, but in reality is an illusion, makes our limitation obvious. It is necessary to realize that the seemingly